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"Looking" fatter means absolutely nothing! They can make themselves look fatter or skinnier. This has no relevance in determining the health of the animal. You need to get a good kitchen scale that can measure in grams. After that, please share your cham's weights. We are just trying to help you, and educate you.
"Looking" fatter means absolutely nothing! They can make themselves look fatter or skinnier. This has no relevance in determining the health of the animal. You need to get a good kitchen scale that can measure in grams. After that, please share your cham's weights. We are just trying to help you, and educate you.
71 grams
"Looking" fatter means absolutely nothing! They can make themselves look fatter or skinnier. This has no relevance in determining the health of the animal. You need to get a good kitchen scale that can measure in grams. After that, please share your cham's weights. We are just trying to help you, and educate you.
A skinny chameleon is usually an unhealthy chameleon. When she flattens herself her ribs don't show as much as they used to when they flattened herself, and her belly fat has been noticeably increasing. She can now use her tongue again and is almost fully recovered from MBD since we caught it very very early.
So it was a girl after all? Might want to actually consider getting that lay bin for sure. I'm not exactly sure being as I've got a boy, but I think they start to become gravid around this time? She's already dealing with her illness or recovering. You don't want to make her worse by being gravstapated.
It looks very small for 5/mo
That's what I was thinking. My boy is 9 months, and he weighed in at 120g, today. I know females are smaller, but not that drastically. And yes, she could be carrying eggs, which can make her look fatter. Looks can be very deceiving, until it's too late.
Sorry, your update pics are proof that not EVERYTHING has been "taken into account". You wrote that your cham is back home because you missed her so much. That's yet another upset and change for her to deal with. You are STILL handling and stressing out a sick cham in order to please yourself. You have your own opinion about what this poor animal needs and no one can convince you otherwise. Well, when your cham declines and passes make sure you think hard and honestly about who's responsible. Its all we can suggest at this point.
I think he pretty much decided already that anything bad happening to his chameleon is due to inbreeding.
Even tho there most likely is no scientific evidence that inbreeding in reptiles has negative effects on offspring.
That's what I was thinking. My boy is 9 months, and he weighed in at 120g, today. I know females are smaller, but not that drastically. And yes, she could be carrying eggs, which can make her look fatter. Looks can be very deceiving, until it's too late.
I think not knowing the sex of the animal in early stages just proves there has been zero research! I know im new to owning chameleons but i did endless of research. Nobody can dout that phant loves his cham.
I think not knowing the sex of the animal in early stages just proves there has been zero research! I know im new to owning chameleons but i did endless of research. Nobody can dout that phant loves his cham.
And you listen to me! Kudos for you!

Finally someone that listens to me! I'm so happy I could cry!!
How about all of you read the first thing I posted. That will explain a lot about why we don't know Slurpys actual gender! You criticize me for not doing research yet you can't even read my post explaining things
If it's too much effort to you here is what I said
"We confirmed that she has ambiguous genitalia which explains why she has small spurs and male patterns at some points and she could(very unlikely) have eggs but they will never be fertile. I put in a lay bin just in case she does have eggs.
We didn't get any result on what caused the intersex-like 'love makers'. Many reptiles dont have a size difference between X and Y chromosomes for example Jacksons chameleons have no sex chromosomal heteromorphism. As far as i know we dont exactly have a system for classifying the equivalent of XX/XY in chameleons. Both XX/XY and ZZ/ZW have both been reported to be used with reptiles. It also doesn't help that chameleon sex isn't determined by temperatures like some other reptiles. So we're kinda stuck on that."
Yeah i dont think some people have read it because of what @CharlieCharmingo said "So it was a girl after all? Might want to actually consider getting that lay bin for sure. I'm not exactly sure being as I've got a boy, but I think they start to become gravid around this time? She's already dealing with her illness or recovering. You don't want to make her worse by being gravstapated."
May I point out that what you label your chameleon as is not the problem here. You already have the laybin set up for Slurpy, and that solves one problem. The other problem can be solved by unclogging your ears. Slurpy needs help whether it be a better vet or a better home.
May I point out that what you label your chameleon as is not the problem here. You already have the laybin set up for Slurpy, and that solves one problem. The other problem can be solved by unclogging your ears. Slurpy needs help whether it be a better vet or a better home.
Already unclogged hun. He's actually getting better if you bothered to think about what i have said already. He's using his tongue again but after two shoots he stops so he's not fully recovered. I'm still giving him the liquid calcium and powdering the food he eats on his own. A little bit of the formula after the shower because he licks his lips alot to get the excess water.
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