
I’m starting to understand where the guy who invented the pet rock got his idea from. Spike hasn’t come out of his hide for almost a month now. Most of the time I can’t see his cute face, but today he gave me this little gift.
Ol' Stinkeye has become quite rotund. My bad. :confused: I usually keep a close eye on his fat pads, but they don't seem to be a good indicator in this case. I've cut him down even further than before, and I'm fasting him one day a week.
Ol' Stinkeye has become quite rotund. My bad. :confused: I usually keep a close eye on his fat pads, but they don't seem to be a good indicator in this case. I've cut him down even further than before, and I'm fasting him one day a week.
You don’t even want to know how fat Spike has gotten. I cut back on his bugs and he was doing great, dropping the grams at a good rate. Then BOOM! He gained a massive amount of weight. I didn’t change his feedings or anything else, so don’t understand. I’m hoping it’s just something metabolic that they do right before brumation. Either that or it’s the curse of my ‘fat house’.
When I bought my house from an obese couple and their obese little dogs, I was a slender and fit size 5. Within 3 months I gained 50 lbs! The weight gain just kept on and almost every human and non human that have stayed here have gotten fat. I joke that the house has a fat curse on it, but sometimes have to wonder.
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You don’t even want to know how fat Spike has gotten. I cut back on his bugs and he was doing great, dropping the grams at a good rate. Then BOOM! He gained a massive amount of weight. I didn’t change his feedings or anything else, so don’t understand. I’m hoping it’s just something metabolic that they do right before brumation.
Curious. I was just reading this:
4. Allow your bearded dragon to brumate, it uses fat reserves.

Rats. Exactly what I was trying to avoid.

Wednesdays are "meat days" for Ol' Stinkeye, and he knows it.
Today I thought I'd mix things up a tad (and mess with his head a little :p), so I put a med. size piece of turnip green (one of the few greens he actually seems to like) on top of his bugs.

The little turd ate as many bugs as he could around the leaf, then picked up the leaf like he was about to eat it—and spat it out to the far side of the bowl. Then he ate the rest of his bugs, looked up at me, and bobbed his head as if to say... ____ you and your greens! 😝

It's still cracking me up.
He is a big boy!
Welcome back, Spike. Lol

I wish Opal would come out. Even to just 💩.
Yes, he is big. I gave him some silkworms today, but if he stays awake it’s back to mostly salads. He was looking pretty sleepy most of the day, so I think he’s just faking me out. He’s been in his hide for a month though, so I’ll take whatever time awake I can get.
Then you can stop slapping him! (Kidding, of course—been watching a few old slapsticks. :LOL:)

Let us remember form last year—waking out of brumation can be a process; he may still go in & out for a few days to weeks. Remember how frustrated/nuts I got last year :LOL:
Oh, I remember how it was last year all too well. Multiple fake outs! Wake for a day or two and then back in the hide for another week or two.
At First I Reaction GIF by MOODMAN
so that is who the beardie is really for.
Hmm is it really?;)
Wow, you really dug for that one! :LOL:

Thing is, beardies can & do grow on people—even some initially repelled by reptiles, e.g. my Missus.
It took a year before she'd even touch his scales (literally), and now they're best buds and he spends more time with her than me! 🙎‍♂️

.... And of course she now has a reptile of her very own to obsess over... :)
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