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Finding which is the correct supplement regimen for a beardie has been the hardest part for me and where I’m still not sure I’m doing it right. So very many web sites I found (even those of reputable breeders) say to use calcium with D3 daily and a multivitamin weekly. That just doesn’t seem right to me...too much D3. Even got mixed info from vets. The beardie forums haven’t been much help either…they are nothing at all like our forum. I have heard that many beardie keepers use the Arcadia supplement trio. Spike was being a brat about eating his salad so that wouldn’t have worked out for him.
Should I put it on the bugs to
I would say to put it on whatever he will consistently eat every day…so probably just the bugs until he’s older and bugs are cut back. Do make sure you get him used to eating his salads from his baby age. You could dust a little pinch of bee pollen on those to encourage him to eat them. I used to make these beautiful little salads with a variety of bright veggies and fruit…and he ignored them. I had an exhausting morning one day and just gave him some plain greens with a blueberry or two…he devoured it! I’ve since tested it a few times…he prefers just plain greens with a couple of berries and maybe some small pieces of a veggie like pepper, carrot or squash (depends on his mood). This may help a little.
Look at this beautiful little salad! He rejected it. 😢
Here’s a good list to keep in your phone to refer to when shopping.
Such a little cutie! 🥰
My Spike is already showing signs he going to go into another long brumation soon. 😢 Please keep posting pics of your little honey so I can live vicariously thru you.
Y’all are posting pics of your cute little babies and I’ve got this massive beast...708 Gm! How on earth is he gaining weight off of salad? He did this last year too right before brumation…bulked way up. Lost a little during his sleep and then the rest when he woke. He’s already showing signs of getting ready for his long sleep.
After a bit over a year of thinking about it but nothing ever fitting into place just right, the stars finally aligned. Meet Electra! This pretty lady is about 3 years old and while not obtained as a ‘rescue’, she was not being kept properly and we have some strengthening of bones and such to work on.
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