
I’m not too focused on it. This is my setup and basking branch and heat light turns off at 12.00am. she stays at her basking branch the rest of the day, basking uvb

My basking is in a dome


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It's virtually impossible, with both lights flush to have uv and temp the same at the same point, with my lights ( probably overthinking
I’m guessing that when the uv is angled, it’s running parallel to the basking branch with looks to be angled too, maybe that’s the reason for the increase? I wouldn’t know, just a thought? I’ve got all this to come 😆
I don't mean angled as running parallel with the branch, I mean angled as in the direction the heat or uv is pointing, so let's say both lights are sitting flush on top , with the size of the dome your cham is getting the heat they need on their back but their uv on their front if your are with me , I'm probably overthinking ,
What ya think humidity probe back middle , ( but once a dabble with settings I may add a fogger in to the equation) so in general placement
I always try to place the fogger above their sleeping spot. The probe should be good, as long as no moisture can buildup on it ( water droplets get in contact with it)
I always try to place the fogger above their sleeping spot. The probe should be good, as long as no moisture can buildup on it ( water droplets get in contact with it)
Yeah thats what I've done in the past I have a normal probe , and one that is with the thermostat, not sure whether to connect the fogger to the thermostat, or just to a timer like cham academy 30 on 30 off to keep it simple
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