Bucky the Hulk - Free Range part II


New Member
His first free range was more of a throw it together and see how it looks. It had it's pros and cons but I wasnt happy with it overall. He has probably spent the last 6 months in the first setup(IIRC). He seemed to like it, but he would crawl onto my desk or just down to the floor to poop, then he would head back up the tree.


I had to leave town for a month so he had to be caged and boarded at a friends house(albeit very well taken care of) but I could tell he wasn't looking forward to the confined spaces.


I had to take his free range apart as it had some stuff that went with him to my friends house, so when I got back home from my trip I had an empty canvas to work with(almost; fish tank is stationary). Anywho, I am much happier with the new setup. It is a lot greener, has more foliage and more routes to take throughout the habitat. He has about 6' of horizontal space and 6' of vertical space to roam around in(the depth of the environment ranges from 2.5-3' from the wall).


I still want to get another 5-7' tree for the other side of the fish tank(thinking ficus alii), but I may wait a few more months before making anymore changes. He'll be 2 in the end of December and he's doing great so far. He might be pushing 12" head to tail, but I can't be certain...it has been a while since I have weighed or measured him.


I'll try and take some better pics(i.e. not cell phone) later and post em up, or maybe I'll just do a video. Anywho, enjoy.
Looks really good! I just completed a remodel for my veiled and panther.

Does your guy not climb down the tree? My veiled is nuts and will try and climb down any/everything possible!
Cool nice setup. Would love to set something like that up for my cham but he is too little and I have to children that would probably stress him the heck out chasing him
The first couple of months he would climb down, but normally he would do a few circles around the carpet and head back up. Sometimes he crawls down to poop. He has never climbed down and wandered somewhere else such that I had to look for him... But your mileage may vary.
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