Camiezone babies from Homer and Big Girl

I had to move Bert’s enclosure. I was keeping him in a back section of my basement where he was really isolated. Total A* location for controlling temperature and humidity but… his enclosure was opposite a blue wall. He stared at it nervously. I imagined that in his mind, it was the sky and a bird could swoop down at any moment to make him lunch.

Also, he didn’t get a good view of people approaching. When I open the door, there we were close to one another. No forewarning. Hopefully now he sees me or the kids walking down the stairs and has adequate View of our approach.

There seems to be a fine line between giving chameleons a peaceful and private place and isolating them so much that they aren’t used to people, or get surprised by an entrance.

I also recognize that any move is going to be scary for him. I hope he likes this spot better!


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I had to move Bert’s enclosure. I was keeping him in a back section of my basement where he was really isolated. Total A* location for controlling temperature and humidity but… his enclosure was opposite a blue wall. He stared at it nervously. I imagined that in his mind, it was the sky and a bird could swoop down at any moment to make him lunch.

Also, he didn’t get a good view of people approaching. When I open the door, there we were close to one another. No forewarning. Hopefully now he sees me or the kids walking down the stairs and has adequate View of our approach.

There seems to be a fine line between isolating them so they are relaxed and no isolating them so much that they aren’t desensitized to people, and they don’t feel surprised.
It looks better👍🏻. I can only say they eventually love our presence (at a safe distance, mostly) and even the montane species come close and leave their free range to join our presence (on the laptop or power cord). They don’t like to be touched, but yet they’re curious enough for interaction.
It looks better👍🏻. I can only say they eventually love our presence (at a safe distance, mostly) and even the montane species come close and leave their free range to join our presence (on the laptop or power cord). They don’t like to be touched, but yet they’re curious enough for interaction.
That’s all I want, for him to be at peace when I’m around and see my presence as a positive event or at least neutral! I love watching my veiled chameleon, Tony and I think he genuinely enjoys spending his days watching me. That’s the gold standard.
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He comes out on his own, which makes me wonder why. There’s nothing wrong that I can see, feel or measure in his enclosure. However, he is a curious one and I am the keeper of bugs and his personal moving tree.
I suspect you have a….. can I say it- friendly panther?🫢 I do, he comes out daily, even waits by the door for us. Nothing is wrong he just thinks he’s going on an adventure outside or to his free range. Getting enrichment. Some days (rarely) he doesn’t want to come out but we just give him his space and he’s good.
I suspect it’s the human love I mean “trust” he received and built with the wonderful breeder then you continued ❤️ in addition to his own personality because not all his brothers are the same. Lol
I had to move Bert’s enclosure. I was keeping him in a back section of my basement where he was really isolated. Total A* location for controlling temperature and humidity but… his enclosure was opposite a blue wall. He stared at it nervously. I imagined that in his mind, it was the sky and a bird could swoop down at any moment to make him lunch.

Also, he didn’t get a good view of people approaching. When I open the door, there we were close to one another. No forewarning. Hopefully now he sees me or the kids walking down the stairs and has adequate View of our approach.

There seems to be a fine line between giving chameleons a peaceful and private place and isolating them so much that they aren’t used to people, or get surprised by an entrance.

I also recognize that any move is going to be scary for him. I hope he likes this spot better!
Much better! I think that even though they are by their nature solitary, they do enjoy watching activity around them. They are very curious, like most creatures. Plus, you get to enjoy Bert more. 💗
He comes out on his own, which makes me wonder why. There’s nothing wrong that I can see, feel or measure in his enclosure. However, he is a curious one and I am the keeper of bugs and his personal moving tree.
This is what’s so confusing for new cham owners. Sometimes they come out because they don’t like their enclosure, sometimes they come out because they know you’re the food tree or their transport to a free range. OR they just genuinely consider you another safe tree.

It’s definitely your vast experience and his unique personality meeting to create that result
I feel you on that one! I have Bilbo (Jacksons cham), Kitty Kat (veiled cham), Treebeard (panther cham), Winter (syrian hamster), Hagrid (crested gecko), Yoda (dog) and Jyn (dog).
Today is pet cleaning day. I just realized that I had 3 hours of work in front of me. Of course I cleaned both Cham enclosures
added a new plant to both enclosures, constructed new wire racks, placed enclosures on new racks, filled all water containers, emptied wet vac, lost Bolt, found Bolt, put Bolt back in the enclosure, reprogrammed smat strips because of all of the rearranging. OMG! This is a lot of work! And that's only the Chameleons! I still need to address hopper 1, hopper 2, and program their smart strip. I'm postponing the Dog bath- it'll have to wait!
Sounds l
Today is pet cleaning day. I just realized that I had 3 hours of work in front of me. Of course I cleaned both Cham enclosures
added a new plant to both enclosures, constructed new wire racks, placed enclosures on new racks, filled all water containers, emptied wet vac, lost Bolt, found Bolt, put Bolt back in the enclosure, reprogrammed smat strips because of all of the rearranging. OMG! This is a lot of work! And that's only the Chameleons! I still need to address hopper 1, hopper 2, and program their smart strip. I'm postponing the Dog bath- it'll have to wait!
Sounds like my life 🤣🤣🤣
I had to move Bert’s enclosure. I was keeping him in a back section of my basement where he was really isolated. Total A* location for controlling temperature and humidity but… his enclosure was opposite a blue wall. He stared at it nervously. I imagined that in his mind, it was the sky and a bird could swoop down at any moment to make him lunch.

Also, he didn’t get a good view of people approaching. When I open the door, there we were close to one another. No forewarning. Hopefully now he sees me or the kids walking down the stairs and has adequate View of our approach.

There seems to be a fine line between giving chameleons a peaceful and private place and isolating them so much that they aren’t used to people, or get surprised by an entrance.

I also recognize that any move is going to be scary for him. I hope he likes this spot better!
@Andrew1283 we've been doing the same thing here. I've been re doing the Cham/craft room for 3 hours. I'm not near finished! Your set up looks really good. Im sure Bert will love it.
This is what’s so confusing for new cham owners. Sometimes they come out because they don’t like their enclosure, sometimes they come out because they know you’re the food tree or their transport to a free range. OR they just genuinely consider you another safe tree.

It’s definitely your vast experience and his unique personality meeting to create that result
I think having confidence helps a great deal too. Having started with my not so friendly veiled ladies, I got over all hesitation and fear of them pretty quickly.
He might just need to get used to it.
He has had battle stripes for over 1 hour. Now, he did escape the enclosure and seemed to enjoy his unauthorized free range. He was not ready to end his adventures when I found him on the curtain rod. But everyone in my house has on BATTLE STRIPES today. Husband and kid hungry(it's my day to cook), dog mad about missed daily walk (my day), missed bath, Carmelo hates me because Bolt has marked me as his territory (trust me- Carmelo (more grumpy veiled Cham) knows- and is not happy!) Hopper 1 and 2 need heat and food but I'm still doing Cham rearrangement. I'm 5 hours in at this point. 🥶
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