Can anyone Identify this plant?


New Member
Got it as a gift, just wondering if it was chameleon friendly. There is no name on it so i would not even know what to search.


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Kind of looks like a pothos to me, but I'm definitely no expert, hopefully one of the pros will identify it for you.
not sure what it is by name, but i know its not toxic. i've got one in a pot with a ficus and draceanea. Kiwi loves plants, and has never shown interest to this one. so i wouldnt worry about it either. it does create good bottom foilage though.
Definitely not Pothos! I'm 100% positive it's a "Arrowhead Vine". Belongs to Genus: Syngonium. Common names include: Arrowhead plant, Arrowhead vine, Arrowhead Philodendron, Goosefoot, Trileaf Wonder, African evergreen.
I can also concur that it is of the genus Syngonium. They have thin leaves, grow fast, and are easy to propagate. I am glad for you that it is not a harmful plant to the chamy because it would be an excellent choice to have in an enclosure.
I had one of these in my Veileds cage when he was young. He loved it. Slept on it every night and always climbed down towards it for a look around. No idea of its name, we called it "the gay plant" because of its pink flowers and because he loved it so much. Pretty sure they are Cham-safe. We had no problems with it.
Definitely not a photos, but I think we all got that..:) It could be an Anthurium, or some kind of calla lily..
its a caladium or arrowhead plant and if that is a waterfall i would remove it asap it can hold bacteria that willl make your cham sick
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