New Member
I am in long island New York, I wanted to purchase some butter worms and horned worms and most places I've found online charge too much for shipping. (Suggestions would anyone??) So my only option was a a drive to the nearest reptile store. And what I saw was sickening. My girlfriend wanted to cry. To start this was the second time I have seen baby and juvenile veilds all with their eyes closed. (Coil bulbs were being used). And then was a horrible looking panther, who the employee tried to say was a nosy be. I didn't think he was acurate being it had a light green coloration. I don't know enough to properly stand by my opinion but from pictures I've seen it didn't look like one. But this animal had horribly sunken eyes. I have read about sunken eyes but this seemed extreme. And in the area around the eye where there was an indentation where the eye has sunken were red marks that almost looked like blood, but it wasn't. He had his mouth open and eyes closed and seemed he was struggling to breathe in the heat and low humidity and seemed dehydrated when I told the associate to offer it water he said he had plenty earlier through ice cubes that where placed on top of the cage. It was so sad and unfortunate to see as someone who has grown to appreciate and love these animals. If I had the money and the space I would have taken this animal in an instant to at least try to attempt to give it a chance at what seems an already lost life. I will post some pictures I was able to take with my phone shortly