My Chameleon, Krank, has been showing some eye problems. A while ago about 2 months,there was a hurricane and we had a manitory evac. When we were there for a couple of days i saw that his right eye was closed and the other was open. I thought it was from dehydration so I misted him and he opened his eye for a while. Then a couple weeks ago both his eyes were closed and he would sleep alot and he would not eat. Every now and then he would eat about 8-10 crickets then now he would not move at all. His eyes do look a bit sunken even thought I do mist 4 times a day. I took him to the vet and he gave me something for his eye. Its been a week and nothing changed and he still has not ate anything. Then the vet gave us some calcium to put on his mouth and he ate some but not alot. Hes really small and skinny and still sleeps in one spot and keeps both eyes closed now.
If anyone can help leave a comment.
Cage Info:
Cage Type - All screen. Lighting-5.5" UVB,Flukers, Lights on at 8am off at 8pm
Temperature - 75 to 85 dgrs, lowest night temp around 75
Humidity - Dont know humidity levels. Misting from morning, then around after noon twice, once before bed.
Plants - Not using live plants (Zilla vines and leaves)
Location - The cage is located near a window the top is about 3 or 4 feet high
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Veiled,Male,6 months. Had him for 2 months.
Handling - Not alot i stopped when i saw a change in his action. Maybe two, three times every 2 weeks.
Feeding - Crickets, 3 in the morning 2 about 5pm. Every other day
Supplements -Reptical every other day as to following his eating time.
Watering -Spray bottle once in morning once in afternoon again at around 5pm then at 8pm, for about 30 seconds. Yes, ive seen him drink many times from the top of the cage and the leaves.
Fecal Description - Normal poop brown with white. I dont know if he has had test.
History - Got him from a local pet store. He acted ok for a couple of weeks until we had a hurricane evac. and when I got to my destination his left eyes was close and the right opened. Then a week later another hurricane hit then I went to a friends house who had 2 cats, 3 dogs (2 are outside) now he sleeps ALOT and still continues to keep one eye open one eye closed.
Current Problem - Hes been sleeping alot and keeps closing one eye and opening the other
If anyone can help leave a comment.
Cage Info:
Cage Type - All screen. Lighting-5.5" UVB,Flukers, Lights on at 8am off at 8pm
Temperature - 75 to 85 dgrs, lowest night temp around 75
Humidity - Dont know humidity levels. Misting from morning, then around after noon twice, once before bed.
Plants - Not using live plants (Zilla vines and leaves)
Location - The cage is located near a window the top is about 3 or 4 feet high
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Veiled,Male,6 months. Had him for 2 months.
Handling - Not alot i stopped when i saw a change in his action. Maybe two, three times every 2 weeks.
Feeding - Crickets, 3 in the morning 2 about 5pm. Every other day
Supplements -Reptical every other day as to following his eating time.
Watering -Spray bottle once in morning once in afternoon again at around 5pm then at 8pm, for about 30 seconds. Yes, ive seen him drink many times from the top of the cage and the leaves.
Fecal Description - Normal poop brown with white. I dont know if he has had test.
History - Got him from a local pet store. He acted ok for a couple of weeks until we had a hurricane evac. and when I got to my destination his left eyes was close and the right opened. Then a week later another hurricane hit then I went to a friends house who had 2 cats, 3 dogs (2 are outside) now he sleeps ALOT and still continues to keep one eye open one eye closed.
Current Problem - Hes been sleeping alot and keeps closing one eye and opening the other