Cham lost outside in NY

Problem is being cold blooded he's still not gonns be that obvious.

IR goggles used directly after the sun sets would actually be a fantastic idea. He will retain more heat than the foliage through the night and the difference should be biggest about 30 minutes after there is no more direct sunlight when there is still dusk light he may still be active generating heat that the foliage will not.

I stared for hours and looked over pictures with nothing definitive. I wish I was closer I am generally very good at finding things...
Thanks for all of the ideas, guys, from IR goggles to RC helicopters - LOL! Dan thanks for taking the time to look at the pics, too.

This forum is amazing!


hilltowner, maybe you should buy a female? You can use it as bait, but your daughter could care for it and maybe that would help when it seems like you have to say "well...he must have gotten too far away, hopefully he's having fun in the trees". She would have the female to take care of and focus on.

It's just a thought. I know that you know your daughter and will know if that's a good idea of a bad idea. I just thought I'd toss it out.
An update

Hey All,

Thanks again for all the great ideas and support. Unfortunately, we still haven't found Zen. We still look up whenever we are outside, hoping to catch a glimpse of him, but we also know that that may never happen. We still can't help but look up, though, and probably will for awhile to come.

After much thought, we've decided to fill some of the hole left by Zen and are awaiting a new panther chameleon. My daughter says that this new cham is not to replace Zen, but will be his little brother if we find him. We didn't realize how addicting chameleons were and can't see living without one. The new cham is one of Ranger's babies, is 3 - 4 mos. old and should be here soon. We are saddened by the loss of Zen, but excited to meet this new addition. When Zen came, we had done a lot of research, but still didn't know what it meant to actually live with a cham. Zen taught us a lot, so we are a bit more confident about the new cham and feel that we are definitely better prepared (and more knowledgable, like not taking our eyes off him when he is outside).

I'll post pics when he arrives and Burnedrose is going to babysit him when we are camping this summer.

Thanks again for everything! You guys are awesome!!!

Marla and Amy
I will keep Zen in my thoughts and prayers, hopefully he is safe and happy and will come home someday.

Until then, be happy with your new one coming home. It may not fill the hole left by Zen but there is definitely too big of a hole left with no chameleons in the house.

Congrats on the upcoming addition to the family.
I think this is a great plan, hilltower! And, your daughter has the right attitude. Who knows what will happen?

I look forward to seeing pictures of the new family member!
Here's the latest addition to our family

Our new panther chameleon arrived today!! He is 3 mos. old and we got him from Sublime Exotics, which was a wonderful experience (they even included the egg he was born in!!!!). Amy named him Lupine (after the Harry Potter character and the flower).

Marla and Amy


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I am so glad your first experience did not sour you on chameleon ownership. It is great you got another one! He is a little cutie! I would never stop looking for just never know!!!
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