Cham lost outside in NY

my friend and i are getting together tomorrow and having a meditation session to see if the universe tells us anything, and if we end up dry we will send positive luck your way. i dont care what your beliefs are, my friend is a very gifted psychic and i am a "sensitive". we are going to help in our own special way since we arent close enough to help search
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I love that "alternative" search methods and assistance are being offered. It can't hurt and I hope you are successful and this guy gets to come home.

This forum and it's members rock!
I would start with the tree nearest the location you last seen him around. start at the trunk and go branch by branch. More than likely he is very high in a tree and when going tree by tree , you may have to start at one side the do it all over again from another. I recently lost a graceful and found it eventually doing what i have stated.

Good luck!
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I wish you the best of luck finding your cham. I have a hard time finding mine in the house in the little indoor tree for them, so hard to see. Good luck ! I check this thread every night.
I wish you the best of luck finding your cham. I have a hard time finding mine in the house in the little indoor tree for them, so hard to see. Good luck ! I check this thread every night.

Me too, I check every day to see if he has been found.
It's been several days now, but I would bet that he is in that tree where he was put.
Like I said in another post, I have a hard time finding my little guy in his cage, and that's nothing compaired to a whole tree
No Zen, yet, but still looking

Thanks again for everyone's kind posts. Regardless of religious beliefs, all positive thoughts are just that, positive thoughts.

We're still always looking up and hoping to see him. The biggest problem is that the trees are very tall, skinny, and without branches, so we can't see the tops where he would most likely be. We have to figure out a way to see the tops of the trees. Our ladders aren't tall enough and the brush is so dense we can't get a cherry picker or scaffolding in there. So any ideas in getting to the tops of the trees would be great.

Thanks again for everything! This forum has really changed the way we feel about our world in such a positive way. Even if we don't find Zen, though I would miss him terribly, we learned that there are still awesome, good people out there.


Marla and Amy
I just hope you find him I've been checking back on this thread to see if you've found him. But I'm sure he will show up soon though. Best of luck on your searches
I have most of this upcoming week free, as the today was the last day of the program for the kids at the school. So I can swing by whenever. I might even swing by my friend's house in Schoharie and see if he'd like to join us - he has a farm and might have some crazy tools for getting up high in the trees!
I had a crazy thought last night:

Do you know anyone with a remote controlled plane or helicopter? You could put a video camera on it and make a video of the upper portions of the trees and then post the vids so we could all help look that way?

Or just keep flying them around and maybe drive him down out of the tree tops?
My only concern with that would be if the plane or helicopter could fly with the added weight.

If you had one of those "GoPro" Hero cameras you could hook it to a bunch of helium balloons and fly up to the top of the trees for a peek. Heck, you could park the camera high up and let it record for a few hours....if you knew for sure he was in the tree it would change the dynamic of the rescue operation quite a bit.

This forum has really changed the way we feel about our world in such a positive way.

I have to agree with you. People here are rushing to help. In my experience, it's unique in the world of the internet.
Still no zen, but not giving up

Having some folks over on Sunday to search. Had 7 people out looking today.

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Elizadots saw something on the photos

Elizadots just emailed me and circled a spot on a photo that she thought might be Zen. We are going out right now to see if it is him. We'll let you know how it goes.

Thanks again to everybody!!!! And a special thanks to Elizadots for taking the time to look so closely at all of the photos.

Don't give up!

I keep checking back here every day. I'm waiting on that "WE FOUND HIM!!!" post. I've still got my fingers crossed for you. And I want to see a pic of him after his big adventure.

Everyone here is really pulling for your family. I hate that I live in KY and can't help. If there's anything I can do, please let me know.
Oh I hope it's him! So far, this week looks pretty free, so if it isn't him, I can come over whenever you'd like and check everything out. Do you think he'd react to another male or a veiled in the vicinity? if so, I can bring Kukui over and try to antagonize him out of hiding.
Here is the picture that I thought had Zen. If you look carefully you'll see a small circle. The second attachment is that circle. I did sharpen that a small amount in photoshop.


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If you zoom right in on the second pic you can defo see some colour. Could be zen, good work!
There's definitely something in there that's not one solid color and is substantially "thicker" than the branches around it.
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