Chameleon Enthusiast
I've been keeping chameleons now for just over forty frigging years. I can remember back when I had to ride a bike to the library to read a book about the climate of Madagascar just so I could start to understand the environmental needs of these animals. Or the times I would be lucky enough to actually get a letter in the mail from the San Diego zoo in response to me asking about feeder items or nutritional stuff. Then there was the moment I discovered that Vets really didn't know crap about lizards back in the 80's. It took a long time to learn about these tiny dragons. Learn what you ask? Why....everything you could try to.
What do they need to live long enough in captivity to actually call it successful care would be one way of summing it all up.
What species to start with? How do you acclimate a wild caught animal? Is a captive bred one worth the extra money? What equipment works? Who do you talk to for good information? The sheer amount of bad info out there is insane.
...... and with the advent of the internet came both the good and bad.
I have been able to locate and learn from some incredible hobbyists with the help of the internet. Even learn from and teach some folks. Made contact with people on different continents keeping these animals, or even living with them. Good stuff.
On the bad end of things, my goodness the crap I've heard about on facebook is a good example... all these people with six months of experience being called "experts". There are so many bogus experts now on the internet. I'm even watching the occasional bad info go out on this beloved site. Watching people reinvent the wheel instead of using the incredible resources this site offers in the form of care sheets, or even the list of well known sponsors and breeders. Very frustrating to an old keeper.
I came across this on youtube... easily the best damn beginner video ever about chameleons and which species is a good starter one for new hobbyists. Those of you reading this and looking for a new chameleon as a pet should watch this video. It was created by one of the real experts out on the internet.
Now Bill has been doing this hobby right for a long time. Years. Decades. So before you go taking any of the crud I see posted by a six month "expert" as truth think about how much money you can save by doing things right from the very beginning. I'd reach out to him for help over any of the six month "experts" I've been seeing pop up.
Not to mention its not good to inflate the ego of a six month "expert", they can lead a lot of people down the wrong path and cause a lot of harm to many chameleons. Just my .02
<Goes back to his cave>
I've been keeping chameleons now for just over forty frigging years. I can remember back when I had to ride a bike to the library to read a book about the climate of Madagascar just so I could start to understand the environmental needs of these animals. Or the times I would be lucky enough to actually get a letter in the mail from the San Diego zoo in response to me asking about feeder items or nutritional stuff. Then there was the moment I discovered that Vets really didn't know crap about lizards back in the 80's. It took a long time to learn about these tiny dragons. Learn what you ask? Why....everything you could try to.
What do they need to live long enough in captivity to actually call it successful care would be one way of summing it all up.
What species to start with? How do you acclimate a wild caught animal? Is a captive bred one worth the extra money? What equipment works? Who do you talk to for good information? The sheer amount of bad info out there is insane.
...... and with the advent of the internet came both the good and bad.
I have been able to locate and learn from some incredible hobbyists with the help of the internet. Even learn from and teach some folks. Made contact with people on different continents keeping these animals, or even living with them. Good stuff.
On the bad end of things, my goodness the crap I've heard about on facebook is a good example... all these people with six months of experience being called "experts". There are so many bogus experts now on the internet. I'm even watching the occasional bad info go out on this beloved site. Watching people reinvent the wheel instead of using the incredible resources this site offers in the form of care sheets, or even the list of well known sponsors and breeders. Very frustrating to an old keeper.
I came across this on youtube... easily the best damn beginner video ever about chameleons and which species is a good starter one for new hobbyists. Those of you reading this and looking for a new chameleon as a pet should watch this video. It was created by one of the real experts out on the internet.
Now Bill has been doing this hobby right for a long time. Years. Decades. So before you go taking any of the crud I see posted by a six month "expert" as truth think about how much money you can save by doing things right from the very beginning. I'd reach out to him for help over any of the six month "experts" I've been seeing pop up.
Not to mention its not good to inflate the ego of a six month "expert", they can lead a lot of people down the wrong path and cause a lot of harm to many chameleons. Just my .02
<Goes back to his cave>