Chameleon not hunting

Ok, I got ya. Thank you for your help with the abbreviations. Yeah, I don’t even drink bottled water. Lol! Sometimes I do if it’s Fuji Spring water. That stuff tastes so good and smooth. But it’s rare that I drink bottled water and my plants NEVER get bottled water. Now I will prepare their water at least 24 hours ahead of time so the bleach can evaporate out. I might start boiling the water too but I think it will take beneficial things out of the water that my plants could use. So I’m not completely sure about doing that yet. Maybe I will do it for a few weeks just to test it out and see if the plants do any better than they already are. But I’m totally against using bottled water for plants. That makes no since to me. They don’t need bottled water in the wild.... not trying to insult anyone’s intelligence here because I know a lot of people do use bottled water for their plants. But to me personally it don’t make any since what so ever unless it’s a sensitive plant like M. Magnifica that was grown from seed and grew up on bottled water which a lot of people do. I almost bought a big one that was grown like that. When the man who raised the plant told me that he has only used bottled water on it, that caused me to look else where. I got a small 4 inch potted M. Magnifica for pretty cheap last year from Aloha Tropicals online and she’s still doing good today. Now she did start losing a lot of her growth crystals when I took her from under the grow lamp and put her out for the spring weather but I think she’ll be fine. She’s growing new leaves. That’s a good sign.
Do you grow plants too?

Bottled water =/= RO water.

Bottled water, is usually water that was filtered by an RO system and then had minerals deposited back into the water.

Usually with bottled those are good your you, human minerals. Sometimes like with Flouride, thats debatable.

RO filters, remove 99% of everything that includes beneficial bacteria, and good minerals. So the water is pretty close to pure water. The purity of someone's RO water depends on the starting waters purity, and the RO setup they use, TDS meters will show you the amount of TDS (Total Dissolved Solids, IE not water)

As to water in the wild, not really. Both Chameleons and the majority of non aquatic/riparian plants, get water Via rain. Rain water is also void of 98% of minerals it will usually have a slightly higher TDS than RO, but not much. All the minerals and salts it contains it pulls from the air, while falling and surfaces it falls on. Rain water running down a limestone, will be calcium rich, but before then its not.

Some plants, usually the more common garden center plants, ect, do not really mind tap water. The animals is debated, however alot of the rarer tropical plants, from rain forests and like CPs and Orchids, will perish from tap water. The minerals are too much, but again this only really applies to more delicate plants.

Really depends on the plant and the owner. I only use RO water, as quite a few of my plants will die given tap, and quite a few of my plants are 100+ dollars for a seedling, must less a grown plant.

As to boiling. That provides the opposite effect of what your after.

When water is distilled, they boil the water, the steam that comes off is then funneled into a jug that is the distilled water. Whats left in the pot, is FAR from pure water its got much less actu water and the same amount of crud it had to start. This leftover, has a higher TDS and the concentration of bad stuff, is higher than it was. The pure water, has been boiled off into steam and flown away.
Bottled water =/= RO water.

Bottled water, is usually water that was filtered by an RO system and then had minerals deposited back into the water.

Usually with bottled those are good your you, human minerals. Sometimes like with Flouride, thats debatable.

RO filters, remove 99% of everything that includes beneficial bacteria, and good minerals. So the water is pretty close to pure water. The purity of someone's RO water depends on the starting waters purity, and the RO setup they use, TDS meters will show you the amount of TDS (Total Dissolved Solids, IE not water)

As to water in the wild, not really. Both Chameleons and the majority of non aquatic/riparian plants, get water Via rain. Rain water is also void of 98% of minerals it will usually have a slightly higher TDS than RO, but not much. All the minerals and salts it contains it pulls from the air, while falling and surfaces it falls on. Rain water running down a limestone, will be calcium rich, but before then its not.

Some plants, usually the more common garden center plants, ect, do not really mind tap water. The animals is debated, however alot of the rarer tropical plants, from rain forests and like CPs and Orchids, will perish from tap water. The minerals are too much, but again this only really applies to more delicate plants.

Really depends on the plant and the owner. I only use RO water, as quite a few of my plants will die given tap, and quite a few of my plants are 100+ dollars for a seedling, must less a grown plant.

As to boiling. That provides the opposite effect of what your after.

When water is distilled, they boil the water, the steam that comes off is then funneled into a jug that is the distilled water. Whats left in the pot, is FAR from pure water its got much less actu water and the same amount of crud it had to start. This leftover, has a higher TDS and the concentration of bad stuff, is higher than it was.
I know I feed my T. Chantrieri and T. Integrifolia with tap water and they’re doing fine. They’re considered an orchid from what I’ve read. I’ve never had an actual orchid though. Not one of those really pretty ones that’s everywhere. I like them a lot but it’s just that everyone has them. They’re so common here.
It is a very rare occurrence for me to buy a plant from a nursery here where I live. I’ve never had luck with them. They’re usually riddled with the bad insects or they’re way over watered or way under watered and malnourished. I get 95% of my plants shipped to me mainly from Florida and California. There is one plant nursery here that I like. I got my Strelitzia there. $26 and there are 3 full grown ones in there. That was a deal. And they’re doing wonderfully. I’ve gotten a huge Hoya Crimson Princess there for $12.50. Definitely fully grown. She was my most favorite plant until my ex deliberately killed her. Never had any pest issues or over watering issues. They even sell some really nice full grown hibiscus for $6!!! I’m not sure where they’re getting their plants for so cheap from but they definitely sell the for cheap. They just don’t have any rare plants there.

Geeze!!! $100 for a seedling?! What kind of plants do you have in your garden? I want to see pics of you don’t mind. Plants and gardening are my passion.
Ok, I got ya. Thank you for your help with the abbreviations. Yeah, I don’t even drink bottled water. Lol! Sometimes I do if it’s Fuji Spring water. That stuff tastes so good and smooth. But it’s rare that I drink bottled water and my plants NEVER get bottled water. Now I will prepare their water at least 24 hours ahead of time so the bleach can evaporate out. I might start boiling the water too but I think it will take beneficial things out of the water that my plants could use. So I’m not completely sure about doing that yet. Maybe I will do it for a few weeks just to test it out and see if the plants do any better than they already are. But I’m totally against using bottled water for plants. That makes no since to me. They don’t need bottled water in the wild.... not trying to insult anyone’s intelligence here because I know a lot of people do use bottled water for their plants. But to me personally it don’t make any since what so ever unless it’s a sensitive plant like M. Magnifica that was grown from seed and grew up on bottled water which a lot of people do. I almost bought a big one that was grown like that. When the man who raised the plant told me that he has only used bottled water on it, that caused me to look else where. I got a small 4 inch potted M. Magnifica for pretty cheap last year from Aloha Tropicals online and she’s still doing good today. Now she did start losing a lot of her growth crystals when I took her from under the grow lamp and put her out for the spring weather but I think she’ll be fine. She’s growing new leaves. That’s a good sign.
Do you grow plants too?

Idt many of us use actual bottled water, but a lot have RO systems. For me, I just water with tap. Then I use rain or distilled for epiphytes and carnivorous plants. I'm not extremely experienced with growing plants, but have a basic knowledge of it. I have a moringa tree, fig, mulberry, many carnivores, and a bunch of random tropical plants. Nothing too crazy though.
Idt many of us use actual bottled water, but a lot have RO systems. For me, I just water with tap. Then I use rain or distilled for epiphytes and carnivorous plants. I'm not extremely experienced with growing plants, but have a basic knowledge of it. I have a moringa tree, fig, mulberry, many carnivores, and a bunch of random tropical plants. Nothing too crazy though.
Oohhh I want to get a fiddle leaf fig but they get so big! I live in an apartment and have 5 plumeria trees potted up, a desert rose tree and a Guatemalan Red Pony tail palm tree. All these trees are going to eventually grow huge on me. The plumeria already are. ??‍♀️
I know I feed my T. Chantrieri and T. Integrifolia with tap water and they’re doing fine. They’re considered an orchid from what I’ve read. I’ve never had an actual orchid though. Not one of those really pretty ones that’s everywhere. I like them a lot but it’s just that everyone has them. They’re so common here.
It is a very rare occurrence for me to buy a plant from a nursery here where I live. I’ve never had luck with them. They’re usually riddled with the bad insects or they’re way over watered or way under watered and malnourished. I get 95% of my plants shipped to me mainly from Florida and California. There is one plant nursery here that I like. I got my Strelitzia there. $26 and there are 3 full grown ones in there. That was a deal. And they’re doing wonderfully. I’ve gotten a huge Hoya Crimson Princess there for $12.50. Definitely fully grown. She was my most favorite plant until my ex deliberately killed her. Never had any pest issues or over watering issues. They even sell some really nice full grown hibiscus for $6!!! I’m not sure where they’re getting their plants for so cheap from but they definitely sell the for cheap. They just don’t have any rare plants there.

Geeze!!! $100 for a seedling?! What kind of plants do you have in your garden? I want to see pics of you don’t mind. Plants and gardening are my passion.

Not Garden Plants, they are terrarium plants.

ATM my most expensive 2, are a Nepthenes madagascarencis, and a Madagascar Rock Fern, Seedlings on both counts. I got some pics of the Nepthenes somewhere, but am not home atm.

Here is some full grown pics though,

The Nep, its a carnivorous pitcher plant, its actually SP, was the first Nepenthe ever discovered, and is actually printed on Malagasy Money.

As for the Fern, Huperzia phlegmaria


Both are rare, so prices vary.

Its my second attempt at the fern, first try was 105 shipped for a 4 inch single sprout this one i have now was 80 shipped.

Its my 3rd try with the Nep, first 1 was 65, then 95, then this one which is a clone but tiny was 55. The Seedlings, did NOT do well, the clone (still a seedling, I am pretty sure it was TC clone, where the other 2 were seed grown) its doing really good actually :).

I got some other 40-50 dollar plants, Orchids, Rare Ferns, Begonias, ect as well.
Not Garden Plants, they are terrarium plants.

ATM my most expensive 2, are a Nepthenes madagascarencis, and a Madagascar Rock Fern, Seedlings on both counts. I got some pics of the Nepthenes somewhere, but am not home atm.

Here is some full grown pics though,

The Nep, its a carnivorous pitcher plant, its actually SP, was the first Nepenthe ever discovered, and is actually printed on Malagasy Money.

As for the Fern, Huperzia phlegmaria


Both are rare, so prices vary.

Its my second attempt at the fern, first try was 105 shipped for a 4 inch single sprout this one i have now was 80 shipped.

Its my 3rd try with the Nep, first 1 was 65, then 95, then this one which is a clone but tiny was 55. The Seedlings, did NOT do well, the clone (still a seedling, I am pretty sure it was TC clone, where the other 2 were seed grown) its doing really good actually :).

I got some other 40-50 dollar plants, Orchids, Rare Ferns, Begonias, ect as well.
Oh my! Such beauties! Especially that Nep! I definitely envy you with those nice beautiful rare plants! My little girl loves carnivorous plants, she just told me to tell you she thinks it’s beautiful too.
I can’t wait until I can start affording to buy the expensive ones. My most expensive one was a M. Miniata, $50 plus shipping. BEAUTIFUL Medinilla but she died shortly after I got her and I haven’t been able to find another since. I’ve tried with M. Magnifica like 5 or 6 different times. The last time I actually got one to grow pretty big but that was one of the plants my ex destroyed when we broke up. Now I’ve got another and I think she might make it if no one kills her too.
I caught him cheating and he completely lost it and destroyed all of my plants and more. I’m slowly but surely getting my plant babies back up and running. Man, my balcony used to be so beautiful with all those plants. But it’s getting there again. I’ve got somewhere around 40 plants, maybe more.
It seems like plants grow better when they’re cloned for some odd reason, but they don’t reproduce from seed. You can only keep cloning them. At least that’s the case with plumeria, I know for sure. I’ve got two plumeria that were started from cuttings and three that are grown from seed. I’m expecting my seedlings to produce flowers this year. I can’t wait to see what type of flowers they push out. The parent plants are absolute beauties. They came from Taiwan. I like the suspense of not knowing what type of flower they will produce. It’s so rewarding when they do finally push out flowers.
I’m not sure if you know this or not, you probably do, but when plumeria grow from seed you don’t know what type of flower they will have until they start blooming in a few years. They can look similar to the parent plant or completely different. You can also get a rare one that will end up being pretty valuable. That’s what’s so exciting to me. Even if they push out what others would call “ugly” flowers they’ll still produce seed pods and you can try again. But I don’t think these three will be anywhere near “ugly” because they have really good genetics from what I see. The man who sold them to me sent pics of the parent plants and they were beautiful colors that I haven’t seen on a plumeria before. Ooh and the fragrance that the flowers have is just heavenly.
@Charliefoxtrot98 sid you ever solve the problem of your chameleon not hunting?
The thread seems to have been sidetracked and taken a completely different direction than your original topic. This isn't supposed to happen. I hope this post will return it to your original issue.
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