Chameleon Size and colors help!


New Member
HEy guys just have a quick question regarding chameleons and their size I have a nosy be that is about 7 months old and I dont know if his size is appropriate for his age. what is the average size and color variation at this time in their live's ?

Hi! Welcome!

He's pretty.

You've given us nothing to compare him's sort of hard to decide how big he might be.

But, he's pretty and they seem to have a wide growth spectrum... by which I mean an animal that is small at 7 months might be average sized at 12 or 18 months.
THANK YOU for the COMPLIMENTS! He is about 3.5 inches from head to beginning of tail. another thing is that the top of his head is usually that brownish color, is that due to something ? or is it normal?
I had a nosy be just like him, by 7-8 months he was still pretty tiny. And then a month later he took off and grew 50g in a month! Doubled in size and now looks like a pretty normal male.

But yours looks good, so I think he's just a late bloomer. His color is coming in nicely, I think his size is just a matter of time.
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