Chams and travel?


New Member
Hi all. First post here, though I've been lurking for quite a while. The articles and forum posts were great in helping me prep for getting my first chameleon.

I have a CB senegal chameleon, Archimedes, purchased secondarily from an owner who didn't want him anymore. He needed a little TLC, since he was a little underfed and I figured out a few days in that he had a slight respiratory infection. But, some regular feeding, a trip to the vet and some antibiotics later and he's right as rain.



Now for my question. I'm going out of town for the holidays (from Southern to Northern California) and I am trying to decide whether to bring Archie with me or have someone petsit him. I'd feel better taking care of him myself, but I was wondering whether any of you could weigh in on the wisdom of taking him for a 6 hour drive, and then a return drive 2 weeks later. Would that be more or less stressful than leaving him with an unfamiliar keeper for 2 weeks? He's never shown any anxiety at being in a car before, but those were much shorter trips (30-45 minutes to the vet). Has anyone has their chams with them on long drives? How did they react? Would appreciate your input!
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Welcome to the forums!! It's great that your little buddy is feeling better:) i would really not recommend taking him on a six hour drive but if it absolutely necessary then there are a few things you could do. I few months ago I had about a 3 hour drive and I had built a cheap travel cage out of a mesh laundry hamper and a few wooden rods. I just put a towel over so he could sleep. Depending on how big his current setup is you could just keep him in that and have a towel over it but you have to make sure everything is kept in place while driving. Driving his around is defiantly more stressful but if you can not find anyone trustworthy enough you can take him. Make sure he gets a lot of sunlight before the trip because you want him to sleep the whole time( it puts a lot less stress on him) again welcome to the forums and have a safe trip :)


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