Texas Panther Man
New Member
Yes CIN brings back special memories , I could not wait for each issue to arrive. Had a T-Shirt but some x girlfriend or x wife must have snagged it !!! I was a member in the mid 90's through 2001, darn that makes me feel old. I still enjoy reading through old Newsletters and the classic vintage classified section. I have almost every CIN issue#1 thru 20001 including most of The Vivarium. Anyway, "Hello & nice to see some X members on this forum". BTW, I was a Jackson X guy during my CIN years but now have a 1.1 pair of T. deremensis free ranging. Will be posting picks this weekend of the new kids & my new cage build thats just about complete. I do have pics posted in my album of my 90's Jackson display cage when VHO Vita-lights were all the rage if anyone wants to take a look!
Is it Friday yet??????????
See ya around.........Dave
I could stil, kick my exes azzz for throwing away all my old issues when we made a move in 2001. I had every edition from about 15 on....
If ever get those scanned plz tell us. I'd love to have some of the issues that we cant get in print anymore. There were some great tips/ideas on feeders and stuff.
And like Kent said its good to see another Cin guy on here. We gotta stick together....
To bad Ardi saw some things she couldnt agree with and became so anti chameleon keeping. To be honest Im glad Ive never seen a holding facility. Or had to unbox a huge shipment of dead wc's. I'd prob not be able to get that image out of my head either.