colors of a Juvenile Veiled


I have a Juvenile Veiled that I have had for a few weeks.

He is doing great but my question is about this colors.

During the day his stays this pale brownish color and when he sleeps he shows his pretty colors.

Is this normal? I don't remeber my last one doing this when he was younger.


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I have a Juvenile Veiled that I have had for a few weeks.

He is doing great but my question is about this colors.

During the day his stays this pale brownish color and when he sleeps he shows his pretty colors.

Is this normal? I don't remeber my last one doing this when he was younger.

what is his basking temperature when i first got my veiled she was kind of doing the same thing and i had to get her a new bulb...make sure her temp is about 85 or just a tad bit higher...
he looks sort of like my little dude yoshi from FLCHAMS, hah. Anyway my dude STAYED a dark color for about a month to be honest and he was a blazing neon green while he slept. Hes now green all day even with me messing inside the cage. They LITERALLY need to get used to YOU along with their enclosure. I was also free ranging crickets and I found more dead than alive/eaten. It took me a week to get him used to cup feeding. My opinion is they do need to adjust. And just like us it takes them different amounts of time for us to get used to something
The browning is acting like a solar panel absorbing the heat....male juvies need about a 87 ish basking....going into 90 as adults...if he's brown all the time it could be sickness but if he's acting as a healthy Cham should, don't worry....but the green color at night is a signe that nothing is wrong for the color.....I'm assuming he will turn green when he is taken out of the cage aswell. This pattern of dark at day is normal....vieleds are heavy baskers
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