Concern over my Female Panthers coloration/ blister like bump


New Member
Hello, I am concerned about my female Panther chameleon.. She is approximately 8 months old and about 1 month ago went through her first receptive phase. I did not introduce a male to her with the concern that she was still too young and the stress may be more than she could take. Currently she seems to be gravid with infertile eggs, and has an egg laying bucket so I am hoping she will deposit them anytime now. My concern is that she has a symmetrical pattern that runs dorsoventrally on both sides of her abdomen.. When she is not fired up it appears as a whitish blotch, and when she is fired up at least the lower portion of the blotch becomes almost like a black blotch of skin. I keep her the same distance from heat lamps as other males and they do not exhibit any symptoms, yet they stay just as close to heat lamps.. Of greater concern is a small hardened blister like formation I found on one side of her in this general area today. Any suggestions or advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks for all your help and have a great day.. Nathan :)

I also included a picture of her suitor to be, Einstein, just to show him to you all.. He is also 8 months old and approximately 14" total length... Does this seem like a reasonable size for this age, and do you think he will grow to be any larger than this? Thanks ;)


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Could she have been burned? Does she have access to the lamps as far as getting right near them. With the symmetrical pattern it looks like burn. She is captive bred?
yes, she was captive bred..It is just a bit strange how symmetrical the coloration is.. And as the cage is a screen enclosure, she has access to area of screen right underneath bulbs, but never clings on this area of screen. If she did you would assume burning to be on the belly area, and this does not seem to be the case?:confused:
Hello, I am concerned about my female Panther chameleon.. She is approximately 8 months old and about 1 month ago went through her first receptive phase. I did not introduce a male to her with the concern that she was still too young and the stress may be more than she could take. Currently she seems to be gravid with infertile eggs, and has an egg laying bucket so I am hoping she will deposit them anytime now. My concern is that she has a symmetrical pattern that runs dorsoventrally on both sides of her abdomen.. When she is not fired up it appears as a whitish blotch, and when she is fired up at least the lower portion of the blotch becomes almost like a black blotch of skin. I keep her the same distance from heat lamps as other males and they do not exhibit any symptoms, yet they stay just as close to heat lamps.. Of greater concern is a small hardened blister like formation I found on one side of her in this general area today. Any suggestions or advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks for all your help and have a great day.. Nathan :)

I also included a picture of her suitor to be, Einstein, just to show him to you all.. He is also 8 months old and approximately 14" total length... Does this seem like a reasonable size for this age, and do you think he will grow to be any larger than this? Thanks ;)
just me as a slightly overprotective paranoid would probly get her into the vet to have it checked out, especially if she's gravid....

from the pics, it does look like a burn, whether it's "explainable" or not...and it might not be, it's just a guess from the picture....but either way, i'd take her in and have her looked at. not necessarily an ER type thing, but still asap.
nobody else has any opinion on the matter.. come on guys I am reaching out for help here :) !!
we're not saying take her to the vet just because we don't know for sure...we're saying take her to get her treated properly, regardless of what it is, because it does look severe and you don't want her to get an infection or worse, develop a more severe and possibly irreversible problem.
no, it seems to be a very calloused blister.. almost similar to a corn on a human foot.. I was informed it could be some type of fungal infection by another source, so I greatly appreciate you suggesting this as a possible problem. Are there any other features / symptoms I should be looking for in this case? And I am currently researching veterinarian options in my area, so be assured that I am listening to your advice and want to do the best possible thing for my baby.. Thanks in advance and cross your fingers this isn't too serious :(
How long has it been like that? Is it possible she's just getting ready to shed and that's the start point? If she orients herself so that area points to the basking bulb, it might be the first place she sheds.
what kind of bulbs are you using? there was a link on another thread to a website explaining and giving evidence that some bulbs were creating burns or sores on the animals from too much uvb/ intensity of the bulbs. i tried finding it but i couldnt, i will keep looking
The big spot could be a burn or a fungal infection.Some fungal infections can kill the chameleon so IMHO I would take it to a vet....and I wouldn't leave it too long in case it is fungal.

I also notice that the underside of your chameleon (belly) is light then dark then light again....seems a little strange but I'm sorry I don't know what would be causing that for sure either.
Did you ever find out exactly what it was that is one of my females has this also and she sec yesterday and the black part of her skin actually came off and does not look good it came out of no where and it does look like a blister filled with liquid but not much.
Hi, should probably start your own thread. Fill in the How To Ask for help form.

It just gets confusing when problems are overlapped. You can refer back to the picture in this thread if you want, but it would be much more helpful for you to post a picture of your chameleon.
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