New Member
Hello, I am concerned about my female Panther chameleon.. She is approximately 8 months old and about 1 month ago went through her first receptive phase. I did not introduce a male to her with the concern that she was still too young and the stress may be more than she could take. Currently she seems to be gravid with infertile eggs, and has an egg laying bucket so I am hoping she will deposit them anytime now. My concern is that she has a symmetrical pattern that runs dorsoventrally on both sides of her abdomen.. When she is not fired up it appears as a whitish blotch, and when she is fired up at least the lower portion of the blotch becomes almost like a black blotch of skin. I keep her the same distance from heat lamps as other males and they do not exhibit any symptoms, yet they stay just as close to heat lamps.. Of greater concern is a small hardened blister like formation I found on one side of her in this general area today. Any suggestions or advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks for all your help and have a great day.. Nathan
I also included a picture of her suitor to be, Einstein, just to show him to you all.. He is also 8 months old and approximately 14" total length... Does this seem like a reasonable size for this age, and do you think he will grow to be any larger than this? Thanks
I also included a picture of her suitor to be, Einstein, just to show him to you all.. He is also 8 months old and approximately 14" total length... Does this seem like a reasonable size for this age, and do you think he will grow to be any larger than this? Thanks