Concerned, Sleeping...

Aw, thanks. It is a Schefflera and I just bought it but cant take it back.:( I thought it was a good plant? Yea, Ill trim it tomorrow. He is hanging out int he middle. He doesnt look good though..Im just letting him shill andget a good nights rest in hopes that he will feel better tomorrow. We dont have Ficus here.. well, we have Fake but they are really weak..

Is this a FIcus? :

Thats really really close to what I have except mine is a Schefflera..Not sure why that one is acceptable but mine isnt?
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Aw, thanks. It is a Schefflera and I just bought it but cant take it back.:( I thought it was a good plant? Yea, Ill trim it tomorrow. He is hanging out int he middle. He doesnt look good though..Im just letting him shill andget a good nights rest in hopes that he will feel better tomorrow. We dont have Ficus here.. well, we have Fake but they are really weak..

Is this a FIcus? :

Thats really really close to what I have except mine is a Schefflera..Not sure why that one is acceptable but mine isnt?

Actually I mean the topiary style wasn't ideal. That ficus is also a topiary style. If you find either shefflera or ficus not made into a topiary, then it would be better for inside a cage.
What kind lighting are you using on top and inside of the cage? It looks to me like you might have a hood with CFLs? If it is, it would explain his lack of interest in food and day time sleeping.

I don't think you should have lights inside of the cage.
HUh? I have no lights inside the cage. I have a tri light but am only using one of the bulbs on the left side that houses a 60 watt house light and then his 5.0 UVB light. the other bulb spot is empty. Nothing inside at all.

Edit: the light in the middle is a covered Grow light. It has plastic over it.
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HUh? I have no lights inside the cage. I have a tri light but am only using one of the bulbs on the left side that houses a 60 watt house light and then his 5.0 UVB light. the other bulb spot is empty. Nothing inside at all.

Edit: the light in the middle is a covered Grow light. It has plastic over it.

Is it a linear tube or CFL 5.0? I don't know what kind of hood that is.

I don't think you should have lights inside of the cage.
try taking a hand mister and put it up to your finger and spray it so it runs down your finger tip and your cham should come up and drink off of your finger. All 5 of my chams do it, its a good way to make sure your cham gets enough water every day besides automated misting systems.
Is it a linear tube or CFL 5.0? I don't know what kind of hood that is.

Its a trihood. 2 bulb spots and one linear spot. The linear is a Reptisun 5.0 purchased when Leo was and one bulb utilized for basking, 60 watt house. Its all good Kevin.:) Like this, but mine has a silver inside for reflection:

Do you think the grow light inside the cage is causing any issues? I know everyone said they were okay so not sure why it would be...But thats been constant since I got him so Im willing to think of anything and everything.

He did drink straight from the mister 2 days ago..wasnt patient enough for me to get done. I can tell when he is thirsty,. he licks his lips.

Ill cut back some of the leaves on the tree today. Sorry, I thought I bought the right thing.. It was tall and sturdy and have a lot of coverage, which i thought Kevin was telling me I needed..

Sometimes the advice given on here can get rather misinterpreted and confusing..

Edit: I clipped away the top of the Schefflera so the tallest vines skim the top of the plant. This way he can see over the plant and I can see him to check on him. I put in 2 dubias and 3 supers in his cup. I misted for a good 5 minutes. He is basking currently. He did lick his lips so Im hoping he will drink. We havent had an issue with this, just eating..
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try taking a hand mister and put it up to your finger and spray it so it runs down your finger tip and your cham should come up and drink off of your finger. All 5 of my chams do it, its a good way to make sure your cham gets enough water every day besides automated misting systems.

I could never stand still long enough for him to drink off my hands. He wont even hand feed. Im paranoid of being bit.
You are doing everything possible.
Between your care and a vet visit, we will pray Leo comes on 100%.
Good Luck and our prayers are with you both.
OKay. I picked up some wax worms and Reti-aid. That stuff smells HORRID.. Im sitting here trying to decipher the instructions. I do not have a scale but they say for an adult panther 100-130.. but then the amount of teaspoons to ccs confusing me as they say 12 teaspoons per 6 they are telling me to use1.8 cc for severe.. so how many spoonfuls is that? Math was never my strong suit..
OKay. I picked up some wax worms and Reti-aid. That stuff smells HORRID.. Im sitting here trying to decipher the instructions. I do not have a scale but they say for an adult panther 100-130.. but then the amount of teaspoons to ccs confusing me as they say 12 teaspoons per 6 they are telling me to use1.8 cc for severe.. so how many spoonfuls is that? Math was never my strong suit..

Reptaid and Repti-aid are two different things.

As for the coverage I was telling you about before in other threads. I think it was for your veiled. Panthers seem to like open space up high in the cage but still don't mind some plants. Have a cage FULL of plants where the animal can't move around is not good. Having 'coverage' on the sides of the cage makes a chameleon feel secure. I haven't seen mine go into a plant to 'hide'.
OKay. I picked up some wax worms and Reti-aid. That stuff smells HORRID.. Im sitting here trying to decipher the instructions. I do not have a scale but they say for an adult panther 100-130.. but then the amount of teaspoons to ccs confusing me as they say 12 teaspoons per 6 they are telling me to use1.8 cc for severe.. so how many spoonfuls is that? Math was never my strong suit..

I think the math works out to be 4 teaspoons. 1.8 goes into 6 3.33333333 times... so devide 12 by three and you get four.
OKay. I picked up some wax worms and Reti-aid. That stuff smells HORRID.. Im sitting here trying to decipher the instructions. I do not have a scale but they say for an adult panther 100-130.. but then the amount of teaspoons to ccs confusing me as they say 12 teaspoons per 6 they are telling me to use1.8 cc for severe.. so how many spoonfuls is that? Math was never my strong suit..

I don't know what to tell you about the Reptaid or whatever you got. I think maybe wait until after your vet appointment. Until then, just do the best you can with husbandry. Find a poop in his cage, put it in a ziplock baggie, refrigerate it until your vet visit and have him/her run a fecal test.

Good luck.
OKay. I picked up some wax worms and Reti-aid. That stuff smells HORRID.. Im sitting here trying to decipher the instructions. I do not have a scale but they say for an adult panther 100-130.. but then the amount of teaspoons to ccs confusing me as they say 12 teaspoons per 6 they are telling me to use1.8 cc for severe.. so how many spoonfuls is that? Math was never my strong suit..

did some looking... 6cc's is equal to 1.2 teaspoons not 12.... Feeding your Cham 12 teaspoons is a lot of fluid. So if it calls for 1.8cc's. You need .36 teaspoons., it was on my Meet Leo thread where you said his cage was BARE and I need to move the plants up or the vines down to give him hiding...

Secondly, Its Repta-aid. It says 12 tsps of the powder for every 6 ccs of water..and it says for his weight, he should receive 1.8 ccs of i was trying to figure out the formula I should mix.. water and powder to equal 1.8 liquid to syringe.

He is staying bright orange and that worried me. I knwo that is his stress signal. I tried to get some wax worms (which are gross btw..i assumed they would be ALIVE..not mushy and cold..) but he wouldnt open his mouth at all..

I feel defeated...
With the wax worms leave them out for a while to get warm. They will start to wiggle then and then he might take a bit more interest in them if they are wiggling and squirming.

My fingers are crossed for you....don't give up :), it was on my Meet Leo thread where you said his cage was BARE and I need to move the plants up or the vines down to give him hiding...

Secondly, Its Repta-aid. It says 12 tsps of the powder for every 6 ccs of water..and it says for his weight, he should receive 1.8 ccs of i was trying to figure out the formula I should mix.. water and powder to equal 1.8 liquid to syringe.

He is staying bright orange and that worried me. I knwo that is his stress signal. I tried to get some wax worms (which are gross btw..i assumed they would be ALIVE..not mushy and cold..) but he wouldnt open his mouth at all..

I feel defeated...

I hope this helps

1.8 cc = 0.365191445 US teaspoons
1 US teaspoon = 4.92892159 cc (about 5 cc)
I don't know what to tell you about the Reptaid or whatever you got. I think maybe wait until after your vet appointment. Until then, just do the best you can with husbandry. Find a poop in his cage, put it in a ziplock baggie, refrigerate it until your vet visit and have him/her run a fecal test.

Good luck.

I agree, it may be best to see what the vet says before any action.
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