Cricket Business


New Member

I am thinking about starting a Cricket breeding business in Central Florida. We have our clean healthy crickets and tons of bins with a screen lids, substrate containers, water, egg cartons, cricket counter, and food in little dishes. We have local pets shops, flea markets, friends, and craigslist to sell to. Any advice on getting this kind of business going would be helpful. I am thinking getting a website and some of those free vistaprint cards. Any special types of cleaners needed? Best condition for eggs? Thanks!

Well you timed that desision right -- as other farms are curently diseased and failing to produce the demand.
Also become a Site Sponser here and I'll buy from ya,
Keeping the egg crates dry, the crickets very hot, very hydrated, and keeping their water source clean, keeping their bins from getting dirty... a lot of work lol. especially if you want to produce thousands every day.

Not sure what you're feeding your crickets? But in order to save a lot of money, you will have to spend a ton of money at first. buying their special diet's ingredients in bulk is a must if you want to save money.

watch the ghann's dirty job special, you'll get an idea of how many men it takes to actually produce the amount that people need, just online, just on this forum lol. good luck!
My husband worked at a cricket farm in our town for 22 years - Maybe I can get some pointers from him and post tomorrow
Yea, I might buy 4,000 crickets a month, and I don't have that much to feed.

But if you set this up I would buy from you. I would always rather buy from a FL company
To add to the above demands, we use 10-15k crickets per month as well.

If you're looking to sell to pet shops, you may want to look to see how many boxes they get in a week. I know Pet Bazaar gets 10-20 boxes of a thousand three times per week. :)

I think on a large scale, cricket production could be a big money maker.... Really, it's something you want to get employees for. Doing it at any less than a few hundred thousand a month would drive you insane because the work you're doing anyways, it might as well be large scale. I've raised my own a few times (I used to try about once a year, and after 6 weeks, I'd quit every time). It's simple to hatch cricket eggs. Much more difficult to have tens of thousands of 3/4"+ crickets available all the time.

It's pretty simple from the business standpoint, and costs would be low.
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