Cricket Crack

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I really like reading these forums because I am a new cham owner. This thread has been a lot of help for me along with someothers. One thing I have noticed and makes me not want to read them anymore is comments made by people like GMOTDOT. I am sorry dude I am not trying to be rude but you are rude to people and bring the whole thread down. If you can just chill I think things will go a lot smoother in these threads and people can get the correct info and get their chams healthy and happy =]
Wow awesome thread. 1st off I would like to say that I have been battling keeping crickets and after reading and researching as much as I could I finally keep crickets alive and healthy. For one I started with no water and relied solely on food to hydrate them, then I bought that water sponge thing that cricket places sell and those are crap. I even tried the flukers orange crap and my crickets never like that stuff. And this is multiple batches on crickets. I buy 500 a month. I used to lose about half of them experimenting as I could not make them bastards happy for anything. Fresh veggies works, but still not that great because I don't like to have to change that stuff everyday.
I always read about water crystals, but never understood how cool they were until the day I bought some at a reptile show. This stuff is genius and the weird part about them is they are reuseable. No fuss. Drop some in there and they'll eat it all up. Dubia's eat that stuff up like crazy also. I have to throw a handful in everyday in my tiny colony of 60 or so Dubia.
Lastly Cricket Crack is the best stuff I have every tried. I just bought some a couple weeks ago. I put a dish in there of that stuff and you can see them feeding on it nonstop. Then I throw some fresh veggies along with it and they eat that up too. The death rate since I have done this combo is next to none. It's clean and doesn't make the tank smell like other stuff.
When I 1st got into Chams I thought no way I am spending money on feeding bugs. I would just throw in some scrap veggies and stuff, but in the long run you change your mind of that thought very quickly.
renzo, don't give up on this forum.
like all forums, people have strong opinions on some topics....such is life, and we should all take it lightly.

as for the whole orange cube debate, while I wish Criss Anderson would have provided links, I still think he said it best.
you'll also notice how gmodot could not reply to me about the amounts of vitamins in the product because the product doesn't list them.
it is a poorly fortified diet at best, and I'm going to speak a little bit about diet in a second.
as for his whole "4 reptile experts" thinking that it is the best gutload since sliced bread...well, he spent alot of money and time for the worst advice money can buy. his "experts" should go back to school is all I can say on this matter.

the big problem with people today is we have gotten used to processed foods and other items.
lets speak about vitamins for example...
if you wanted some vitamin C, what is the best way to get it from the list bellow? and what is the healthyest way?

1) orange
2) orange juice
3) orange extract
4) ascorbic acid - say from a vitamin pill

all will give you vitamin C, but again what is the best way to get it and why?

IMHO clearly eating an orange is the best from the list as you get far more then just vitamin C...alot more.

orange juice is next as it contains almost everything from an orange, but still lacks alot of fiber that you'll get from eating the fruit....sadly, I'll bet most of us don't eat enough fiber in our diet. I wonder why? :rolleyes:

next is the extract...eatting just a tiny amount of extract can be like eatting a pound of orranges, but still lacks alot of nutrients that "whole, raw" food contains, including water, a valuble ingrediant.

lastly, the ascorbic acid is the worst...yes you get the vitamin C but nothing else.
shoot, even the cereal "total" has 100% of many vitamins and minerals that your body needs.
but Total is totaly crap for you as it contains all that by pharmaceuticaly produced vitamins and minerals as well as other processed foods.
STOP eating processed crap people and you'll feel heathyer and live longer.

fillers? well there is no fillers in ascorbic acid, but there is no anything else as well.
so is ascorbic acid complete?
is it all we need?
wouldn't a simple whole fruit like an orange be better?
don't our crickets and chameleons deserve better then some jello product?

just my 2 cents

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Sorry, you seem to be confused!??... I am trying to help YOU! So far, I am the one who has spent several thousand dollars on professional opinion (4 reptile experts)... until someone here can offer a significantly different professionally supported "theory", I am 100% satisfied I have done my due diligence in this matter...

Thousands huh?? This begs the question just how bad have you messed your chams up to require that expense. Or is this just a bit of exaggerated fiction you spouted to try and add some validity to your bogus claims.

Oh I spent thousands too, just now. and the 15 doctors and 30 nutritionist I paid to tell me this, all said you are full of it.

See I can spend thousands in an instant to prove my point. It doesn't make it any more believable because I now decided to put it in print.

gmotdot - According to a published study in the Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery, which analyzed a number of commercial cricket diets, including Fluker's Orange Cube Complete Cricket Diet, "the use of a calcium-fortified dry diet" as opposed to calcium-fortified cricket waters or calcium-fortified high moisture diets (such as Fluker's Orange Cube Diet), "is recommended for supplementing crickets with sufficient calcium to meet the needs of insectivorous reptiles and amphibians" (Finke et al. 2004). They found that crickets fed the Fluker's Orange Cube Diet you are advocating did not have calcium content as high as the dry diet tested as a control. Since phosphorous levels was not effected by diet type, this means that the calcium to phosphorous ratio of crickets fed Fluker's Orange Cube diet was not as favorable as the dry diet they used (the control). Not exactly the "nutritionally ballanced", "complete solution" you've been led to believe it is, is it...?


Now this is a believable affirmation of scientific fact. Thanks Chris, you never fail to surprise me with your ability to site references. Good job man.

Like I said in the beginning, my knowledge is based on experience and research and the ability to retain what I read. I don't need to make outrageous claims to try and back up what I say. Wile I may not always be 100% accurate. I do try my damnedest to be. And if I am wrong and corrected. I have, in the past thanked that person for the correction.

You Gmotdot are relatively new here and judging by your posts, yes I've read all 25 of them, I have the time. You are either new to forums in general or have been banned from all the others you have graced with your ill mannered presence.

Perhaps you should just take a few weeks and try reading and seeing how we all try to interact with every one before posting again.

And as far as apologies needed...Well you owe pretty much every one you've encountered so far on this thread and a couple more on ones in the past.. If you don't see it..Then perhaps some serious counseling is in order as well, followed by intense medications.

Or just keep it won't be around much longer for any one here to really bother with.
as for the whole orange cube debate, while I wish Criss Anderson would have provided links, I still think he said it best.

Harry - Unfortunately J. Herp. Med. Surg. isn't an open source online journal so there aren't links to provide. If anyone is interested in the two articles I cited, however, email me and I'd be glad to forward the PDFs to you.

graydon - You may not have been but gmotdot specificially was. But, since you're talking about the Fluker's Dry diet, there is another study from the same journal that compared four commercial calcium-fortified dry gutload products (including the Fluker's High-Calcium Cricket Feed). It found that crickets fed the Fluker's "contained no more calcium than those fed an unfortified diet and would likely be considered calcium deficient when used as food for insectivorous reptiles" (Finke et al. 2005).


Thanks man. You def know your info.
okay people???? ugh i rea you can feed crickets catfood many places and i dont od on d3 i use it 2 to 3 times a month
okay people???? ugh i rea you can feed crickets catfood many places and i dont od on d3 i use it 2 to 3 times a month

I'm sure you have years of experience and have dealt with chameleons for years to come up with this fabulous bit of information as well! I'm so glad you had the time to share this wonderful bit of knowledge with the rest of the forum, I am so delighted to know this. Thank you, oh great one!
okay people???? ugh i rea you can feed crickets catfood many places and i dont od on d3 i use it 2 to 3 times a month

Yes you "can" feed them catfood. That doesn't mean you should gut load with it. And no one is getting on to you about using D3 2-3 times a month. It's been a couple of days since I read this whole thread, but I'm pretty sure no one said anything to you about your schedule once it was known. In your original post

the crack whats that mean??? you can use orange slices apple slices ummmm cat food oatmeal pretty much they will eat anything but those things i use on top of what you use oh and DUST DUST DUST your crickets with multi vitamins or calcium or calcim with vit. D before feeding they sell the "DUST" at the pet store

you said DUST DUST DUST your crickets with multi vitamins or calcium or calcim with vit. D before feeding. This is inappropriate advise, and the advise of using D3 needs to be more thought out. Giving the advice as you did would lead one to believe it's needed every feeding. This is very dangerous.

edit: LOL Sabrina!
If you do a search you will find that cat food has D3 and preformed vitamin A in it as well as being high in protein.
thanks syn nice sarcastic,mean,offensive some people on this forum would rather be mighty sphinkters than help the other one succeede guess they didnt teach you that in school.....i said you dust dust dust your crickets i never gave a schedual you people took it out of context.....most people now a days would rather focus on others mistakes and drag them on other than help them along.......thanks kinyonga if you are being nice.......people chill out my chameleons arent dead they look and act quite healthy and are very friendly they arent dying of flaming D3
*sigh* I happen to be going out of my way to be nice and am simply pointing out what it is that you said that was wrong and what got people to say something to you. Again I am quoting you directly.

you said DUST DUST DUST your crickets with multi vitamins or calcium or calcim with vit. D before feeding.

Just what is out of context about what you said? You said to dust before feeding with D3. If you meant every time or not you didn't say. Leading to the problem at hand. And you my friend are the one that keeps dragging this on. The issue was dropped before your post that I last replied to and this current one. A simple thank you and perhaps an acknowledgment of the mistake and this issue would be dead. If you truly do not see the error of your post then....just yeah wow.

I think you are being a tad overly sensitive about the whole subject. And no one thinks your chams are dying, nor has anyone insinuated this. Just chill out and think a little more before you post.
thanks syn nice sarcastic,mean,offensive some people on this forum would rather be mighty sphinkters than help the other one succeede guess they didnt teach you that in school.....i said you dust dust dust your crickets i never gave a schedual you people took it out of context.....most people now a days would rather focus on others mistakes and drag them on other than help them along.......thanks kinyonga if you are being nice.......people chill out my chameleons arent dead they look and act quite healthy and are very friendly they arent dying of flaming D3

Ya I'm sure she wouldn't like it if someone said something rude or snide in her recent post she made.
You said..."thanks kinyonga if you are being nice"...I was just letting you know so that you could make sure you take that into I hope you think that was nice! :)
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