Custom Backgrounds


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Good evening...
I was looking at random pics of chameleon enclosures. I found one that I'm absolutely in love with! The dimensions are 24x48x48", 24"x24x70" with stand. Its divided in the middle. Of 24x24x48. Can't post a pic unfortunately because I'm on my phone. But I was thinking maybe a future project for Waldo!?

Anyways I want a custom background and was curious how everyone does there custom backgrounds :) please share
Here's the enclosure I found. What I think that I would do is add 2 free ranges on both sides. One side for my future female, the other side for Waldo. I would do 2 separate free range times and have a "curtain" up so they cant stress each other out. I'm in love with the ideal!


  • future enclosure.jpg
    future enclosure.jpg
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I make mine out of styrafoam, caulking, stone textured spray paint, and acrylic sealer. Or with a plywood backing and rubbermaid food containers molded in if I want to include planters built in to them like this:

Do you have any issues with the Styrofoam breaking off? Like when a cham climbs the back, do pieces shred off?

Also, is mold/bacteria an issue with it being wet all of the time?
Here's the enclosure I found. What I think that I would do is add 2 free ranges on both sides. One side for my future female, the other side for Waldo. I would do 2 separate free range times and have a "curtain" up so they cant stress each other out. I'm in love with the ideal!

That's a sweet looking enclosure!

Do you have any issues with the Styrofoam breaking off? Like when a cham climbs the back, do pieces shred off?

Also, is mold/bacteria an issue with it being wet all of the time?

I haven't had any issues with the styrofoam breaking off at all. The way I do it (which I learned from YouTube) is to carve and contour the styrofoam however you like it and then coat that with the caulking. The caulking makes a rubbery barrier so there aren't any issues with any of it breaking off. My chams have never really tried to climb the fake wall, or least not that I've seen, but there isn't much for them to grab a hold of either. I've had that fake wall in the picture set up for almost a year now with 2-3 minute mistings going off every two hours and have not seen any signs of mold of mildew anywhere on it.
The way I do it (which I learned from YouTube) is to carve and contour the styrofoam however you like it and then coat that with the caulking. The caulking makes a rubbery barrier so there aren't any issues with any of it breaking off. My chams have never really tried to climb the fake wall, or least not that I've seen, but there isn't much for them to grab a hold of either. I've had that fake wall in the picture set up for almost a year now with 2-3 minute mistings going off every two hours and have not seen any signs of mold of mildew anywhere on it.

Ahh Ok. So you sealed it basically. Thanks for the info!
That's a sweet looking enclosure!

I haven't had any issues with the styrofoam breaking off at all. The way I do it (which I learned from YouTube) is to carve and contour the styrofoam however you like it and then coat that with the caulking. The caulking makes a rubbery barrier so there aren't any issues with any of it breaking off. My chams have never really tried to climb the fake wall, or least not that I've seen, but there isn't much for them to grab a hold of either. I've had that fake wall in the picture set up for almost a year now with 2-3 minute mistings going off every two hours and have not seen any signs of mold of mildew anywhere on it.

Can you make me 4 of those lol? Thinking about using a piece of plywood in back both sides and a plywood in the middle. So would need to do it on 4sides.
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