diarrhea!!! :(


New Member
So my panther has had loose stool for months now. He is still eating drinking and very active. We have been to the vet four times now and have done rounds of antibiotics and dewormer and nothing is helping. He seems ok but I am worried and i dont know how to help him. Has anyone else been through something similar? Any advice? Im currently trying to find a new vet because i want a second opinion but finding a reptile vet in Maine is not very easy:(
What do you feed your Panther? I recommend a fecal smear and a fecal float. If you vet is not familiar with these have them send the poop out to a lab for these test. Diarrhea can be a sign of parasites and when you know what type of parasite he has then you will know which medication will work on that type parasite. Please post some photos of your Panther.
We have done all of that and so far the vet has no answers :( he gave me some pro biotics to sprinkle on his food after the last visit and it is helping a little but the problem is still there. I feed him crickets and horn worms because that is all he will eat (the horn worms are a treat)
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Show us a picture of the poop, it may help. Your chameleon looks healthy, and if he was captive bred, parasites are not as likely as in wild-caught.
What temperature is the top of the branch that he basks on?

What is the room temperature day and night?

How long have you had him?

The fact he continues to eat is good.


Ugh i just cleaned it up but its not formed its just all liquid and as gross as it sounds the sound effects of him pooping is terrible lol. The room temp is always at 70 because i hate being cold and his basking temp is about 85. It will be a year in January that i have had him.....i believe he was 3 months when i got him. I have other reptiles including a jackson who is doing just fine so i guess im just kind of stumped
If it makes you feel any better, he sure is pretty. I have not yet experienced this, so I know not what to do.
Try feeding him just the crickets & cut out the horworms for a week & see if his poop changes & gets less watery, the hornwoms contain a lot of moisture & might be making his stools loose!
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