DIY free range cricket feeder


Avid Member
I know there have been some threads on this, but I haven't really seen what I am looking for. I free range my panther chameleon, but am gone a lot of the day so I need to use a cricket feeder. He eats from it with no problem, and it houses them well,but the only problem is that some escape (of course). I know it would be hard to guarantee them not getting out, but surely someone has found a way where his or her cham can eat just fine, but not many crickets get out. Right now I am using a 1/2 gallon milk jut gut out with some mesh for the crickets to climb. Has anyone else found anything more effective?

I have not found anything more effective, well maybe slightly, but I will add that I find on those types of feeders with the calcium dust on the crickets some inevitably gets on the sides etc....and that build up even after a few days (i typically wash mine out every few days), they have an easier time clinging to the sides without mesh.

I also put some in a bird crock that hangs on the side of the cage for dubias, and I have found they do not get out of that, maybe it is just high enough they cannot figure out how to get out of it.
I use multiple plastic planters with the bottom cut out and aluminum screen hot glued onto them (so they don't drown when misters hit them).

some jump out on occasion, but for the most part it works pretty well. though my free-range is semi-enclosed so the few who jump out don't get far and usually get picked off hanging on the greenery around.
I use multiple plastic planters with the bottom cut out and aluminum screen hot glued onto them (so they don't drown when misters hit them).

some jump out on occasion, but for the most part it works pretty well. though my free-range is semi-enclosed so the few who jump out don't get far and usually get picked off hanging on the greenery around.

do you happen to have a picture? I am having a hard time visioning that in my mind.
I use a large cricket keeper with the top off. They crickets can't climb or jump out. I also cover up the clear side so the chams don't get confused.
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