DNA Database...

With progression in web technologies setting up the db would be even easier than in 2004 and have more functionality possibility. So the data entry part could be simplified for the breeder some what. But in the end the workload is on the breeder, and unless you can show a value add to the breeder for the additional work then it will not get far. The best value add is monetary reward for their work, so if you created a organization like the american kennel club and could charge a premium for chams under that organization you would see more use I think.

Example of a data entry scenario:

Breeder lists their breeding stock in the db and indicates the basic info on the cham.

Then give them a control to "Mate" that allows them to select 1 male and 1 female and they enter the mate date.

Then when they look up their mated cham's they can then select by mate date and it would show basic info on the pairing. On that page they would enter # of eggs in the clutch.

The form would run a script to the db then create X # of shell profiles in the db based on the egg count and tie them to that mated pair. They could edit the shell profiles with did not hatch or a hatch date.

Then as they hatch they could go in and input the hatch date and such. As the cham aged they could then assign it a sex. And input some buyer info if desired when the cham sold.

Then with some canned reports created a breeder could see info such as egg hatching ratio per clutch, male/female ratio etc... and based on the information collected or setup to track they could see the variables such as incubating process/media/temps etc...

The db could be beneficial to the breeders beyond tracking who hatched what and bought it if some thought is put into the db architecture.
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