Chameleon Enthusiast
hey guys i'm always talking about free ranging on here so figured i'd post some pics of my dude's free range progress. Would love any suggestions or feedback.
This was before i made it his permanent home.
This is it now. I'm actually hanging some pothos off the wall above the bromelids today. He's here full time, but i'm moving it all to a longer table one of these days and adding some more plants/decoration. Going for a more natural look, possibly adding a foam wall of some sort. Putting plastic covering on the floor, shower liner on the wall, and maybe some bath mats around it. the room that's in stays at about 50% when everything is dry so i probably don't need a humidifier just yet, but might for winter. Working on building some sort of free roam feeding cave-thing that he can go into, without bugs getting out.
This was before i made it his permanent home.
This is it now. I'm actually hanging some pothos off the wall above the bromelids today. He's here full time, but i'm moving it all to a longer table one of these days and adding some more plants/decoration. Going for a more natural look, possibly adding a foam wall of some sort. Putting plastic covering on the floor, shower liner on the wall, and maybe some bath mats around it. the room that's in stays at about 50% when everything is dry so i probably don't need a humidifier just yet, but might for winter. Working on building some sort of free roam feeding cave-thing that he can go into, without bugs getting out.