EMERGENCY! I fear my Cham is failing...

I have heard from many of people that super worms if not chewed properly can actually chew on the lining of a Cham stomach. This clearly not a good thing to happen. You should really try and get him off the super worms it better to be safe than sorry.

This is an old wive's tale! Every cham I've ever had ate hundreds of superworms with no problems at all. Any superworm that survives the first or second crunch from a cham's jaws is indeed SUPER! At this point, he needs calories and energy so if he'll eat superworms that's better than eating nothing. They are a bit higher in fat than crickets sure, but I would not consider them just a treat feeder. If they are gutloaded properly they are a good basic feeder in a varied diet.
I think his dehydration, unwillingness to eat and eyes shut stem from his mouth rot. All of this has been a great help I hope it helps others that may be plagued with a similar problem. The bigger question is how did he get mouth rot?

Mouthrot is painful as you can imagine. Most chams who have mouth infections don't want to eat or drink. It is not a specific disease in itself, rather a symptom resulting from something else. Could have started from a nick or cut on his gum from a feeder shell, a vitamin deficiency (such as vit C, resulting in a scurvy-type infection), an impacted or damaged tooth, all sorts of things. You will want to inspect his mouth and gums for reddened sores, patches of pale cheesy looking material, abscesses, etc. They will need to be cleaned out and treated with both topical anti-infectives (such as Betadine), and the cham put on systemic antibiotics following a sensitivity culture using a sample from one of the mouth sores (assuming you do find any).
I would agree with using them in that case for adults more than babies. If you think about what you feed any baby or juvenile, you usually are going mor into higher nutrition and a higher volumes due to growth and development. Setting a baby chameleon with a bit more fat may not seem like much, but i want you to look at a kid who has a larger appetite and isn't eating what is healthy.
Visted the Vet today

I made an appointment with the vet today and what luck my Chameleon went to the bathroom and it was a world different from several days ago when he passed a black rock. Both fecal samples came back negative.

The hydration I have been doing has been working wonders for him he is actually looking much, much better. For those who want to know he was severally dehydrated so I was giving him 3ml of pedialite twice daily infused with some multi-purpose vitamins and bug juice (bugs pureed in Pedialite)

He does have abscesses on his inner lips which oozed out pus when the Dr. was checking them so he has prescribed Trimeth /Sulfa dosage at 1ml daily for two days and 1ml every other day for a total of 14 days. I am also cleaning and applying Listerine as a topical and if they dry and crack a little Vasoline.

We are also treating him with an antibotic used to treat worms so we can scrub any bad bacteria out of his system called Panacur dosage at 1ML daily for 5 days and repeat in one week to catch any in the second cycle.

I hope this information helps anyone who may find themselves in a similar situation as Spike is in.
Mouthrot is painful as you can imagine. Most chams who have mouth infections don't want to eat or drink. It is not a specific disease in itself, rather a symptom resulting from something else. Could have started from a nick or cut on his gum from a feeder shell, a vitamin deficiency (such as vit C, resulting in a scurvy-type infection), an impacted or damaged tooth, all sorts of things. You will want to inspect his mouth and gums for reddened sores, patches of pale cheesy looking material, abscesses, etc. They will need to be cleaned out and treated with both topical anti-infectives (such as Betadine), and the cham put on systemic antibiotics following a sensitivity culture using a sample from one of the mouth sores (assuming you do find any).

Yes just as you have indicated he has sores on both sides of his inner lower lips and an abscess on his upper forming. The lowers oozed out the pus like substance at the Dr office he is now on an internal antibiotic called Trimeth/Sulfa and I am applying Listerine as an antiseptic to the sores. I am not sure what is the cause but trying to treat everything all at once from hydration to nutrition and mouth sores.

Another important note is I took him to the vet two weeks ago because I noticed that he was looking a little dehydrated he kept closing his eyes and they were itchy and his lips did not look right they were starting to separate slightly (nothing like they are now which is much worse) but I knew something was wrong then fast forward two weeks to today and here we are. I think the extreme intervention is yielding positive results but only time will tell.
Yes just as you have indicated he has sores on both sides of his inner lower lips and an abscess on his upper forming. The lowers oozed out the pus like substance at the Dr office he is now on an internal antibiotic called Trimeth/Sulfa and I am applying Listerine as an antiseptic to the sores. I am not sure what is the cause but trying to treat everything all at once from hydration to nutrition and mouth sores.

Another important note is I took him to the vet two weeks ago because I noticed that he was looking a little dehydrated he kept closing his eyes and they were itchy and his lips did not look right they were starting to separate slightly (nothing like they are now which is much worse) but I knew something was wrong then fast forward two weeks to today and here we are. I think the extreme intervention is yielding positive results but only time will tell.

I just wanted to say I do hope everything goes well and both of you are in my thoughts. At least you caught it an are doing everything you can for him.
I have everything crossed for you both and really hope things improve. You are both in our thoughts, we know how hard it is when your little one is poorly hang in there :)
I have everything crossed for you both and really hope things improve. You are both in our thoughts, we know how hard it is when your little one is poorly hang in there :)

Thanks a bunch I will keep posting here with updates

He has been taking his medication he has been re-hydrated but still the sores in his mouth will not go away so this means he still is not eating nor moving around much. I think I will call the vet today and let him know his status.
bug juice? never heard of it.... i would try force feeding if he has not eaten in 2 weeks :(

With mouth rot? Thats like throwing peppers on sores in your mouth.... Bug juice is a liquified bug compilation that gives him the nutrients in need while giving it in a much less intrusive manner....

To the OP I am thrilled to see someone taking this much initiative! I hope the little guy pulls through he looks like a stunner!
With mouth rot? Thats like throwing peppers on sores in your mouth.... Bug juice is a liquified bug compilation that gives him the nutrients in need while giving it in a much less intrusive manner....

To the OP I am thrilled to see someone taking this much initiative! I hope the little guy pulls through he looks like a stunner!

he is hydrated but still the mouth rot is an issue I still need to convey that to the Dr. today
hey im new to these forums and am far from an expert but iv had the same problems many times i would extremely recomend getting pedialite for babys and force it down him with a srynge keep up the carnivore care with srynge then set his gage half in and half out in the shower for like 15 min with luke warm water also i dont like super worms at all and only feed insects that are extremely well gut loaded and that cand damage the chameleons insides but its def a dehydration promlem you can actually have the vet give him shots to boot his hydration level and if you dont have a mist system i recomend getting one i hope all goes well for you let me know what happens


also panicure is great incase he has pinworms!
HE NEEDS WATER, WITH ELECTROLYTES FAST AND BAD-didnt bother reading whats up just saw the pictures-they go down fast man, the outside might be to much stress as well-but get him hydrated-his stomach could be refusing to digest things at this point
Glad to hear he's hydrated, bugman. Mouth rot often takes a long time to get rid of...so its a good thing you are going to talk to the vet about it again. The "normal" bacteria involved with mouth rot is pseudomonas and its hard to kill off since its found "everywhere".
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