
@jamest0o0 said..."would probably go extinct before they’d adapt to snowy winters or an equivalent extreme"… not only would the lizards have to adapt to survive, but their eggs would as well don't you think? Or maybe they would switch to live birth?

I mean I’m no expert on evolution, but yeah I’d imagine it’d be extremely difficult. Some snakes and turtles have adapted to areas with cold winters, but not so much with lizards. I’ll have to google that!
Well lets not forget that one species of cham lives for only three months. There is a mud flat that stays hard for nine months with only three minths of rain. So the eggs hatch once its mud then they go off to mate and lay the eggs in the mud. Rainy season stops the chams die and the eggs hatch 9 months later when the hard hround turns to mud. Thst is pretty remarkable to me.
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