Extremly worried!

She needs to see a vet ASAP. As was said....with a back leg like that she will likely have difficulty digging. Even if you dig the hole for her, she may not be able to lay the eggs because of the calcium imbalance. She is not in a good situation unfortunately.

You need to deal with the immediate problem (eggs and MBD) first and in the meantime try to correct the husbandry issues.

Good luck with her.
Have you been to the vets yet? What did he say? How is the little thing? I'm concerned for her and you. I know you thought you were doing well with her getting the sunlight through the window. Don't feel too bad alot of people don't know that. Just hope you found out in time, alot of things with MBD can be fixed if you find out early enough. What are they going to do about the eggs? I know when mine was having difficulty they suggested doing a c-section.

Loribeth, has she seen a vet yet? That is a REAL emergency if I have ever seen one. She does really need medical intervention right away. Keep us posted, please!

When you have everything all figured out with the vet, please come back and we can all help you a little with the husbandry methods. But please DO come back. And keep us up to date on your little girl!
worse then i thought. she's got 2 broken legs and was egg bound, i have no idea how she could have broken her legs! she has been kept in for x-rays and things because the vet wasnt there at the time, he had to come in.

sorry i couldnt put up any info till now, i had to rebuild my computer. just got it up and running now.
With MBD they break bones easily. So glad you took her to the Vet-I hope things work out well for you!
kat77, she isnt my cham its rogues. hehe. but it looks like shes not in good shape and he got her in. keep up posted. :( i hoe she will recover.
yea, she's got 2 broken, probably explain the symatry, but how the hell could they have both broken? in almost the exact same place? but i know one thing, i'm glad i got a UVB tube and starter now, and going to get somethink soft like a viv carpet or somethink to put at the bottom, and remove anythink that is hard in the cage, dont want this to happen again. aooarently the vet said she's got so much eggs it looks like she's been eating grapes whole.
yea, she's got 2 broken, probably explain the symatry, but how the hell could they have both broken? in almost the exact same place? but i know one thing, i'm glad i got a UVB tube and starter now, and going to get somethink soft like a viv carpet or somethink to put at the bottom, and remove anythink that is hard in the cage, dont want this to happen again. aooarently the vet said she's got so much eggs it looks like she's been eating grapes whole.

From what I understand, having had bone density scans myself- bone loss occurs in predictable patterns, in predictable areas. The symmetrical breaks were caused by symmetrical bone density loss.

Ah, induced labor. You were posting the same time I was writing. Glad to hear the vet is taking action. Will he save the eggs for you? Or, no, they are infertile aren't they.

I would expect her to pull through and recover completely, as long as she gets the proper post-egg care. She will probably have lumpy legs but will have full use of them. Sounds like you vet is on top of it.
i know, i read what you wrote befor. lol and thought the same that you were probably writing that at the same time i was, and they were only posted a few mins apart.

but i think i'll give her a nice quiet life for a while, dont think i'll be mateing her now, maybe in a few years. but i dont really think i should start mating them now, not till i get everythink needed to keep the adults healthy. seems like i still got a lot to learn.
EMERGENCY 2 i think her front leg is dislocated, she cant manouver it at all! i just picked her up from the vet, and now i've noticed this, I think i'll have to take her back again.

(53 eggs BTW, she's light as a feather now!)

her back legs are all swollen after the op, and i got to give her some calcium through a syringe.

should i try to fatten her up now? i dont see how she's going to be able to catch anythink, so wax worms and meal worms??
you could try cup feeding her crickets...and if you are really worried take the back legs off. I would think that foods that are easily passed through her gut would be the best thing for her. you can consider gut loading your foods for her with crickets or if you have a needle directly injecting the Ca in to the worms or dusting.

I would think that you should start slow and gradually pick her diet up as she will allow.

Also minimal handling as possible secondary to the MBD>>>>

Hope that helps and good luck

took her to the vet again today for a quick checkup, and her front arm is broken aswell, now she's only got one arm to walk about on, but the broken one is in a small chameleon sized sling. layed 1 more egg today, and thankfully she is eating. so she should recover.
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