Extremly worried!

Thank god, she's come through now. had some computer trouble so couldnt get online.

just had the bandages off her legs, she's got a hell of a good grip with her feet. but i think it's going to take a while for her to get used to having the use of her back legs again.

Picture is of the first day. the green bandage was taken off pretty much strait away.


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I had never seen a chameleon in casts before. Thanks for the pics and good luck with your little lady.
Aweee!!! I feel so bad for you after reading all the troubles you had with your chameleon. I hope she makes a full recovery. I sware pet stores should have to be licensed in order to sell reptiles. All this heartache could have easily been prevented for you if the pet store staff would sell customers the proper things and give people who buy reptiles care sheets that are correct.

I've never seen a lizard with casts before I must say I find it pretty intresting. What are the casts made out of? Are they tough or just like a cloth mesh?
the casts were like that velcro sruff, it wasnt hard just a sort of stiff bandage. her legs were quite swollen and when they were taken off they were all shriveled and white, and the skin was real loose. it's all gone down now and her legs are looking kinda normal now.

the sort of green sling was taken off almost immidiatly because it was causing some problems and she was getting agitated with it on, so i took it off.

I didnt get her from a pet shop, it was from a breeder. i cant have given her enough calcium, but dont know how i could have gotten more into her diet since all her food was fed on calcium rich foods, and dusted with powdered calcium. everythink used to look like little ghosts. lol even the black feild crickets!
I would be careful not to overfeed her now so that she won't produce another large clutch. It would be less drain on her calcium not to have another clutch for a while. Overfeeding will likely push her into producing one.

Overfeeding can lead to constipation, prolapses and even plays a part in eggbinding. It will likely shorten her life too. In humans, obesity can cause the D3 to be bound/tied up in the fat...don't know if its true in chameleons or not.

I would be careful not to overfeed her now so that she won't produce another large clutch. It would be less drain on her calcium not to have another clutch for a while. Overfeeding will likely push her into producing one.

Overfeeding can lead to constipation, prolapses and even plays a part in eggbinding. It will likely shorten her life too. In humans, obesity can cause the D3 to be bound/tied up in the fat...don't know if its true in chameleons or not.

Knowing that D3 is fat soluble in nature, I would imagine that this is also true in all animals.
I always believe that overfeeding can indirectly cause MBD (for the reason that the D3 is bound by fat).
This is purely an educated guess, i wonder if wax worms and all the fatty insects can be used as therapy for hypervitaminosis A and D3.

Can you give me some links about the obesity and D3, Kinyonga?
I would love to study this more.

Now, back to the post, I am glad that the chameleon is now is recuperating.
Hang in there, Roguekiller!
I hope she'll be able to pull through.
the casts were like that velcro sruff, it wasnt hard just a sort of stiff bandage. her legs were quite swollen and when they were taken off they were all shriveled and white, and the skin was real loose. it's all gone down now and her legs are looking kinda normal now.

the sort of green sling was taken off almost immidiatly because it was causing some problems and she was getting agitated with it on, so i took it off.

I didnt get her from a pet shop, it was from a breeder. i cant have given her enough calcium, but dont know how i could have gotten more into her diet since all her food was fed on calcium rich foods, and dusted with powdered calcium. everythink used to look like little ghosts. lol even the black feild crickets!

it wasn't that she wasn't getting enough calcium, it was that she didn't have the UV light that helps her absorb the calcium and process it within her body, hence what the UV tube/bulb is for.
It looks like she isnt out of the tunnel yet, and now i cant afford to take her to the vet.

one of her legs that was bandaged has a large black patch. and it looks like it's dead or dieing. she has the use of her leg, but that area looks quite dodgy.
hang in there ... my cham had four broken legs, one in a sling as well ... and had to wear them for months. He pulled through quite well actually.

could it be that one of the bandages was putting funny pressure on his leg? Also if he has some nerve damage from his breaks maybe that could affect his leg coloring. I would expect it to take a while (months) for his breaks to heal.

i think the bandage caused a lot of pressure on one perticular part of her leg, and must have cut off the blood supply, and i think that part of the skin is dead. but the rest of her leg is fine so far, and she has a good grip and can move them. might have to take her back to the vet.
post pics of her skin, but another checkup will do her some good.

As for as purchasing in the UK, try www.livefoods.co.uk
its where I get 90% of my stuff including live feeders.
They are quite competively priced.
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