Hey, so in March, Lokkie started having issues with his right eye. I took him to the vets, and she gave me eye drops, which didnt help long term...I took him back to the vets 2 weeks ago. He is on oral pain meds, anti inflammstories, and antibiotics. The eye was looking so much better; like amazing, and then it started to go backwards, and almost worse! I am going to take him back after I try another week of the meds, but it is getting very pricey. Arg! I am wondering if anyone else has any ideas. I have tried the vitamin A. I turn off his UVB bulb sometimes to give him a break in case that is the problem, but I have no clue. Anyhow, I have been injecting the medications into Superworms as they are the easiest to inject. He was SO eager to eat them for about a week and a half, but he stopped eating his crickets. Now, yesterday he wouldn't even touch the worms. I am wondering if he is tasting the meds and are bothered by it, or if the meds are bothering his stomach? I am also stressed because I dont know how I can open his mouth to get in the meds. I feel really stressed about the idea. He is still very active still, and he seems well hydrated. I am at a loss. Almost wondering if I need to find a new vet? Help!