Feeding your Cham fruit?


New Member
many people say that they feed their cham fruit for some extra hydration. My question is how? do you set it in their feeder cup or tie it to a vine or something?
I find it almost impossible to feed mine fruit, but he DOES eat Kale.

Good lord, it looks like the cat in your avatar icon eats everything in your house :)
I find it almost impossible to feed mine fruit, but he DOES eat Kale.

Good lord, it looks like the cat in your avatar icon eats everything in your house :)

HA HA HA that was hilarious, but yeah my chams dont hand feed so idk wht to do with fruit, and what exact fruit are we talking about? and is it cut in a certain way?
I tried pear rolled into a worm shape. but that was before I introduced Phoenix worms. going to try it again tonight.
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