Freaked - USPS hasnt arrived w/my cham!

I paid $50 for flat rate shipping and honestly I just assumed it would be arriving Fedex. It was already shipped by the time he provide tracking info or else I would have insisted he not use USPS (simply because of where I live and what kind of slack a$$e$ work for USPS). Honestly, I didn't even know USPS shipped live animals!!!

i'm honestly not sure if USPS does ship live animals under agreement....that's something i would have to check...and if not, there could definitely be a problem....i know had to go through a lengthy process recently and temporarily could not do shipments because of contract with fedex....

definitely agree with previous posts about contacting the shipper immediately and hopefully the package was insured....
Oh dear, hope your cham arrives soon :(

I never purchase a cham if I no its gonna be delivered by a delivery service, personally I don't agree with it and think its kinda cruel to the animal :( its a living thing not mail......

Anyway update if it arrives safely :)
Believe me, he's been contacted. I started blowing up his email at 2pm. At this point, provided the cham makes it here today, I'm AFRAID to open the box! He said he's been using USPS for 5 years without any issues. I'll keep you posted. Keep good vibes headed this way. We really, really need them. Did I mention we REALLY need them?
Shipping USPS was a big mistake. ‘Regular’ people should use a shipping service such as this allows you to ship in a ‘legal’ way that is usually cheaper than other options. SYR has recently started an insurance option too.

Regardless this is simply a mistake, as long as it’s made right then that’s all that matters. We had a box lost for 2 days this summer, because of proper/overkill packing the little guy showed up fine. Hope for the best.
Oh dear, hope your cham arrives soon :(

I never purchase a cham if I no its gonna be delivered by a delivery service, personally I don't agree with it and think its kinda cruel to the animal :( its a living thing not mail......

Anyway update if it arrives safely :)

its done all the time and is safe if done correctly but never usps or in high temps
dude it was hot here yesterday an there sorting places are just as hot it would need an igloo to still be cool

True but at least the thought that he has some cold packs in with him can put paige's mindto ease, hopefully. :/ I would be afraid to open the box too!
Okay,'s where USPS runs into problems. They do accept live animals, but for Express Mail, they do not guarantee next day arrival:

Live animal shipments (including poultry, reptiles, and bees) have very specific packaging requirements. Though you can drop them off at any Post Office, it might take longer to ship depending on the availability of transportation. With a few exceptions, pets and warm-blooded animals such as cats, gerbils, hamsters, mice, and dogs can’t go in the mail.
Live animal shipments using Express Mail® should expect a 2- to 3-day transport, so try shipping early in the week and avoiding holiday weeks with limited acceptance days and times. Express Mail postage will not be refunded unless the delivery or attempted delivery is more than 3 days after the day of mailing.

I wonder if your shipper was not used to shipping across country? In California, USPS almost always gets things delivered the next day.
Bad service or not I would be on the phone with usps, you paid for a package with a guaranteed delivery time.With a tracking # they should at least tell you if the package is on the truck or being held at the facility.

Hope things work out and your chameleon arrives safe.
I used usps to safely ship a LOT of lizards before 9-11. After 9-11 things changed at least at my locality. They became a pain in the neck to work with and I was never able to determine if it was my local postmaster, the hub above him, or USPS in general, but I can tell you that tracking a shipment became impossible and nobody would take responsibility. Shipping even became a hassle- I had to jump through hoops to even get a package sent and never knew if I could or could not ship on a given day until I boxed things up and took them to the post office. I can also tell you that even when shipments were a day late there near the end of my relationship with usps, the lizards always arrived safe and sound, so keep your fingers crossed.
Prior to 9-11 they were heaven for shipping- I never lost anything in 10 years and shipped thousands of lizards and shipping was extremely cheap. After 9-11 they became hell but I still never lost a lizard. I haven't used them since 2002.
No news yet, guys :( - I'm going to assume he's not accustom to cross country shipment. He IS a longstanding community member. The reason we chose him was because we read his posts on this forum over the past several years and believe him to be someone who really cares about his chams !

I'm beyond SICK. And I'm sure it was an honest mistake. He's probably had a lot of success with USPS (west coast bound) and this is probably a first for him shipping this long of a distance. Or, at least I am going to give him the benefit of the doubt because I have no reason to believe anything other than that at this point.

Ugh. I need a 'drank :eek:
I wouldn't ship anything worth more than $20 through USPS let alone a chameleon. UPS is very respectable and the people there are friendly and that's worth an extra $10-30. Good luck! Your little guy is probably getting some good rest in that box.
Here's the update I received from the seller :
"He wont arrive until TOMORROW. He didn't ship. He's in the facility in CA. I did not have an ice pack so I soaked paper towels in water and froze them. It works just as well. I think he is fine since he's in CA and not SC right now. It's not that hot here today so he should be fine. I've had situations like this and I can assure you it's not certain death if he doesn't survive. He's more likely to survive if he's in an air conditioned facility rather than a delivery truck all day. Only think we can do it wait and see. I have no control over the shipping so there's not reason to get upset with me...."

I am not sure where he's getting the info that the cham is in CA. The USPS tracking # is EG910933338US. I have called and have been granted the same info avail on the website and I can't contact a "live" person.

NOR can I spend all day waiting tomorrow for a chameleon that might not arrive until 3pm! I have kids to shuffle back and forth and made arrangements for them today but I can't do it again tomorrow. If the cham is still at the facility, he needs to go pick him up and refund me.

I am REALLY REALLY disappointed - and angry
I am so sorry :( sorry for you and the poor chameleon.
We just had one delivered today but ours was delivered by Fed Ex. She was due to arrive at 10.30 but got here earlier. Only thing I wasn't happy about was that they knocked on the door and then just left the box out on the front step. Other than that she seems fine. Our last chameleon was shipped Fed Ex too.

Did you pay by paypal? If you did then lodge a complaint with them, they will deal with getting your money back from the seller.

But as for the poor Chameleon lost in transit.....I would need a drink too if I was you.
Dang... Sorry to hear about this :( It is ineed still possible to pick up a chameleon from a sort. You will have to make a stink about it, and talk to a manager, but it can be done.
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