Freaked - USPS hasnt arrived w/my cham!

Okay, unless I'm missing something :confused:

I was going to help out and go pick the chameleon up on my way home tonight. But it looks like the package shipped out Monday after 5:00pm from the info. I have.

"Your item was processed through and left our SANTA ANA, CA 92799 facility on August 01, 2011 at 5:12 pm. The item is currently in transit to the destination."

Yes, but the seller told me 1 hour ago it's still at the airport. He's a liar and it's unfortunate situation because he is a member here and has offered no condolences except to say I need to treat him with respect and he will do the same. If you knew me, you would know I have been more than patient and respectful with him despite ANY evidence that he's worthy of it.
Completely PATHETIC... When I sold bearded dragons, I always offered 100% refund if DOA or in a situation like this. I hope the best for you, and if all else, tell EVERYONE on this forum whom this person is and to beware of him when purchasing.
If it helps any, I ordered a adult velied yesterday from california and recieved him today in Texas. I know it's only half way but it is HOT here and arrived in fine condition. We are in a sever drought and the lake I live on is lowest I've seen. hopefully he stands a chance. Keep us updated!
i sooooo hope things work out for the cham in question!!!!!!! i would be a basket case trying to ship a live animal in this heat!!!!

good luck,,, having said that, i'm going to pour one for myself!!! :)
This is a sad thing happening to you right now.... I hope the best for the chameleon.

There's a lesson to be learned here...

This is one of the risk of shipping animals, specially under USPS. I really do hope the best for the cham.
At this point requesting a full refund is very premature. While shipping USPS is not up to general standards for shipping live reptiles, using frozen paper towels rather than a cold pack is subpar at best, and not attempting to go pick the package up tonight for proper shipment at a later date once it has been verified the animal is healthy is careless, there is every possibility that this animal will arrive in perfectly fine condition tomorrow. Jumping to conclusions about how it will arrive is inappropriate at this point and you should not be writing the animal off. Further, as far as I can tell, at this point you have no reason to suspect that the shipper will not live up to his obligations to refund you should the animal not arrive in good health. I agree that it appears the seller is an irresponsible shipper but I think you need to wait and see what happens before you preemptively write the animal off or make assumptions about the seller's willingness to stand behind the condition of the animal once it does arrive.

If it helps any, I ordered a adult velied yesterday from california and recieved him today in Texas. I know it's only half way but it is HOT here and arrived in fine condition. We are in a sever drought and the lake I live on is lowest I've seen. hopefully he stands a chance. Keep us updated!

We got our baby girl today, we are in PA, she arrived at around 10.20am she left California yesterday. We was lucky as we was able to track her. We feel terrible reading this thread. We feel for you and will keep watching this thread in hope that this Cham turns up bright and early in the morning, thirsty but unharmed.
At this point requesting a full refund is very premature. While shipping USPS is not up to general standards for shipping live reptiles, using frozen paper towels rather than a cold pack is subpar at best, and not attempting to go pick the package up tonight for proper shipment at a later date once it has been verified the animal is healthy is careless, there is every possibility that this animal will arrive in perfectly fine condition tomorrow. Jumping to conclusions about how it will arrive is inappropriate at this point and you should not be writing the animal off. Further, as far as I can tell, at this point you have no reason to suspect that the shipper will not live up to his obligations to refund you should the animal not arrive in good health. I agree that it appears the seller is an irresponsible shipper but I think you need to wait and see what happens before you preemptively write the animal off or the seller's willingness to stand behind the condition of the animal once it does arrive.


The problem is; someone here offered to go to the sort facility but as the tracking information shows ; it left the facility yesterday at 5pm. This animal has been in a box, in a cloth bag since 10am EST yesterday and he shipped 2-3 day delivery (express which, if you read the thread, doesn't include live animals).No one knows where this cham is. I have to rearrange my day again tomorrow in the hopes of getting him then but still no guarantee. And the problem is, even if he arrives alive, I'm quite sure he will require a level of care associated with an unanticipated expense to get him back in shape. None of which I signed up for. While I'm not going to bash him publically, I think a reputable seller would refund a buyer in this situation because its the right thing to do. Because it simply IS.
I just wanted to say that I wish you all the best. I have used USPS a few times with no problems. What concerns me is the improper packaging. That IMO is unacceptable. If it weren't for that I would think that everything would be ok. I agree that it would be wise to call your local postal service and have them hold the package for you so that it does not get on a hot truck and pick it up first thing then follow summoners advice. Best regards, Suzi:(
The problem is; someone here offered to go to the sort facility but as the tracking information shows ; it left the facility yesterday at 5pm. This animal has been in a box, in a cloth bag since 10am EST yesterday and he shipped 2-3 day delivery (express which, if you read the thread, doesn't include live animals).No one knows where this cham is. I have to rearrange my day again tomorrow in the hopes of getting him then but still no guarantee. And the problem is, even if he arrives alive, I'm quite sure he will require a level of care associated with an unanticipated expense to get him back in shape. None of which I signed up for. While I'm not going to bash him publically, I think a reputable seller would refund a buyer in this situation because its the right thing to do. Because it simply IS.

I'm not saying you don't have a legitimate gripe or reason to be mad. But your comment that "even if he arrives alive, I'm quite sure he will require a level of care associated with an unanticipated expense to get him back in shape" is not based on anything other than fear. Yes, you have a reason to be worried and he may not arrive alive or in good health but there is also every possibility that he may. Until you know one way or the other, you aren't in a position to request a refund yet because you have no idea what condition the animal is actually in.

As for your statement that a reputable seller would refund the buyer in this situation, I don't understand why you would think that. You have every reason to complain about the shipping and him not trying to go pick the chameleon up, but shipping delays happen beyond a shipper's control and ultimately if the animal arrives in good health, there is no reason to give a refund in this case.

I'm not saying you don't have a legitimate gripe or reason to be mad. But your comment that "even if he arrives alive, I'm quite sure he will require a level of care associated with an unanticipated expense to get him back in shape" is not based on anything other than fear. Yes, you have a reason to be worried and he may not arrive alive or in good health but there is also every possibility that he may. Until you know one way or the other, you aren't in a position to request a refund yet because you have no idea what condition the animal is actually in.

As for your statement that a reputable seller would refund the buyer in this situation, I don't understand why you would think that. You have every reason to complain about the shipping and him not trying to go pick the chameleon up, but shipping delays happen beyond a shipper's control and ultimately if the animal arrives in good health, there is no reason to give a refund in this case.


I disagree. He was to be shipped overnight. NOT 2-3 day "general" express delivery. I paid for overnight shipping. This shipping delay wasn't beyond his control, he chose a method of delivery not appropriate for live animals and that's the bottom line. He lied when he said the animal was at the sort facility because tracking info states he boarded the plane YESTERDAY. He shipped this animal as if he was shipping a pair of shoes. I have already incurred additional expense with paying someone to tote my kids around while I sit and wait around (again) tomorrow. It was irresponsible at best but not beyond his control.
This is a very unfortunate situation, and I'm sorry that you have to go through it. :( However, Chris is right. Think about the poor chameleon. You don't know where it is, and you don't know what will happen to it if you ask for the refund right now. At least you know it's safe once it arrives at your house, whether or not it is in good health. Don't jump the gun here.
I disagree. He was to be shipped overnight. NOT 2-3 day "general" express delivery. I paid for overnight shipping. This shipping delay wasn't beyond his control, he chose a method of delivery not appropriate for live animals and that's the bottom line. He lied when he said the animal was at the sort facility because tracking info states he boarded the plane YESTERDAY. He shipped this animal as if he was shipping a pair of shoes. I have already incurred additional expense with paying someone to tote my kids around while I sit and wait around (again) tomorrow. It was irresponsible at best but not beyond his control.

I agree with Chris.

If he comes in good health, possibly the seller will refund the shipping cost for the chameleon since there was some confusion? I wouldn't demand a full refund just for shipping confusion and delay.

We are all entitled to our opinion and I have received amazing support here. If someone pays for overnight shipment then that's what they should receive. If a seller ships an animal, this should be the ONLY shipment ever used. Express doesn't equate "overnight"

I have thought about this poor animal all day. If he arrives tomorrow I will do my best to care for him but it doesn't negate the seller from offering a solution other than "gee I'm sorry". Of which I haven't even received.
You are correct that you are entitled to a refund if you paid for overnight shipping and it was not used. All I mean is that you should wait until the chameleon arrives to request that refund. That animal shouldn't have to pay for human error.
I disagree. He was to be shipped overnight. NOT 2-3 day "general" express delivery. I paid for overnight shipping. This shipping delay wasn't beyond his control, he chose a method of delivery not appropriate for live animals and that's the bottom line. He lied when he said the animal was at the sort facility because tracking info states he boarded the plane YESTERDAY. He shipped this animal as if he was shipping a pair of shoes. I have already incurred additional expense with paying someone to tote my kids around while I sit and wait around (again) tomorrow. It was irresponsible at best but not beyond his control.

Again, you are making assumptions without any actual information to back it up. You have every reason to be frustrated but you should think rationally about this and not let your emotions get the best of you.

When you ship a package express they tell you when the package will arrive by. Once the package arrives, it will say on the address form that was filled out when it was guaranteed by. If it was not guaranteed by the time he claimed it was, then yes, he lied. If it was guaranteed by today at 3pm, he didn't. Shipping USPS is not up to standards in my opinion either but you are still making unreasonable assumptions.

Second, the tracking states that the "item was processed through and left our SANTA ANA, CA 92799 facility". No where does it indicate that it boarded any plane at any time or has left the LA area. All it says is that it left the Santa Ana facility but you have no idea where to. For all you know the Santa Ana USPS facility is a small local hub and it was sent to the main regional LA hub from which it will be flown out. How exactly do you know he lied? He could have spoken with representatives that were able to give him an estimate of where it was.

Shipping delays happen. I've had a number of delays on shipments sent to me and most of the time the animals arrived fine. Wait and see what happens and how the animal looks when it arrives and then go from there. Stop making irrational demands and accusations.

We are all entitled to our opinion and I have received amazing support here. If someone pays for overnight shipment then that's what they should receive. If a seller ships an animal, this should be the ONLY shipment ever used. Express doesn't equate "overnight"

I have thought about this poor animal all day. If he arrives tomorrow I will do my best to care for him but it doesn't negate the seller from offering a solution other than "gee I'm sorry". Of which I haven't even received.

Which is why I said you should be given a refund for shipping, if there is a live arrival of course

"Okay,'s where USPS runs into problems. They do accept live animals, but for Express Mail, they do not guarantee next day arrival:

Live animal shipments (including poultry, reptiles, and bees) have very specific packaging requirements. Though you can drop them off at any Post Office, it might take longer to ship depending on the availability of transportation. With a few exceptions, pets and warm-blooded animals such as cats, gerbils, hamsters, mice, and dogs can’t go in the mail.
Live animal shipments using Express Mail® should expect a 2- to 3-day transport, so try shipping early in the week and avoiding holiday weeks with limited acceptance days and times. Express Mail postage will not be refunded unless the delivery or attempted delivery is more than 3 days after the day of mailing.

I will settle for a refund of shipping and any incurred expense as a result of nursing the cham back to health. Provided, of course, it's not in prefect condition.. I'm just a pessimist that way. I'll eat the $20 per day in unanticipated kid carpool expense. I don't think anyone would be too excited about receiving a chameleon that's been in a box for three days.

He said the animal was at the airport today at 5pm. This was a lie. I have been on the phone with USPS who can not tell me where this animal is. Unless this seller is clairvoyant, he lied. No one told him animal was at the airport!. He told me that in an futile attempt to make me feel better.
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