Free range question.


Hey everyone! OK my question is about the schedule I have Blanch on. 5:30a.m.-7a.m. (depending on what time I need to get going) I take Blanch off her free range tree she doesn't like this at very much. Then I feed and water her. Then anywhere from 8am-11am my wife waters again and throws a cricket or two in. Then anywhere from 330p.m-530pm I put her back on her free range and hand feed or feeder cup water her and enjoy her time there until next morning.... is that too stressful to move her back to her cage everyday. I would love to let her roam but we have cats and children and she isn't big enough yet what do you guys think
Welcome to the forums. I free range all of my animals and I normally move my chameleons around daily. I often take them outside to sit and watch them in their trees or give them outside time in a large outside enclosure. Inside they are never in a cage but I don't have cats and I don't think they every gets stressed but all chameleons are not alike. They are like people and each have their own personality. I would recommend keeping a close eye on her and see if she shows stress colors...turns a dark color. BTW what kind of chameleon do you have?
Veiled chameleon, her name is Blanch and she is awesome! She puffs up at me when I move her she is always really friendly with me except when she sees me coming in the morning she knows I'm moving her but once she gets back in her space she calms down quickly to eat and drink. By the way, sometimes when I mist her ,(which she loves)afterwards she holds her eye closed for an hour or two. any thoughts?


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I would love to let her roam but we have cats and children and she isn't big enough yet what do you guys think
If you read around here you will read horror stories of cats getting to there chameleon (Cats are nature born ninjas). Stories usaully start off something like "My cat never acted this way before around my chameleon" We all would love to free range our chameleons but sometimes it's not the wisest thing to do. With kids running around and cats I would hold off personally. Everyone's situation is different.
Much as we want to think our chameleons love us and want us to hug them, it just isn't so, they just learn to tolerate us. Fast moving things like cats and kids are terrifying to them. My Melleri literally flips sideways when he see our cat, the cat poses no danger due to the size of his cage and the cat having what would appear no interest (I think my Melleri could take on my cat anyways...j/k), but even that far away chameleons just don't like it generally.
Remember, safety first (y)
Yes I am always around once she starts freeranging that's the reason I put her up during the day because i gotowork. The cats are very old and mainly outside but sometimes my kids let them in. The room is very low traffic my kids hardly come in there if they do I'm with them. When she is free ranging while I'm home she is 100 percent safe me putting her up while I'm at work is just an extra precaution while I'm not around. I was just worried she'd associate me with bad vibes having to put her up daily.
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