Free ranging question


Avid Member
Maybe my free range is too long and complex, but my guys love to get out of their cages and climb on it, trouble is, they never even attempt to go back home!! I always have to get them off the range and take them home.

Smeagol spent last night on the free range. This morning, when all the lights came on and my other guys woke up and headed for their basking spots, I watched Smeagol to see if he knew how to get back home.
He went in the opposit direction, moving very slow due to being "out of gas'!!

I had to scoop him up and put him directly in his favorite basking spot!!

Does anyone know how to train them to go back home??
Hmmm I don't think you can train them to go back home. I think most creatures would prefer a free range to a cage, I know I do! :D

Is it possible to set up a basking spot on the free range? I have a mercury vapour lamp about 2 feet away from the tree I free range my girl on so she gets UVB and heat.

My girl never choses to leave the tree and go home and I have left her on the tree at times. The only time she has gone back home to bask is if the tree is right outside the cage door and I prefer To have it by the window.
I am trying to work out someway of puting up a UV fixture, but would have to mount it to the ceiling to do it proper, and that runs into the issue of where to plug it in and what to do with the wires :confused:

Should I just set up a incandesent basking light instead?
I find my chameleons each choose their own "spot" to sleep.

How long have you free-ranged them? It will take them a little while to learn the paths, the first few days they may wander confused but they will learn it.

You could try mounting a slightly weaker light temporarily (to "hint" him towards the main basking area) until he learns the way
I posted some pictures up yesterday about my chameleon set up witch could help you get some idea because i made a whole room into his cage so he is completely free range now because he was not goin back to his cage at all and the lights are not cheap so i decided that it would just be worth to free range him plus when i put him in his cage just for a few hours while i was out i would come back and he is just stressing him self out big time trying to get back out hope that post helps its called "update Its been a while"
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I posted some pictures up yesterday about my chameleon set up witch could help you get some idea because i made a whole room into his cage so he is completely free range now because he was not goin back to his cage at all and the lights are not cheap so i decided that it would just be worth to free range him plus when i put him in his cage just for a few hours while i was out i would come back and he is just stressing him self out big time trying to get back out hope that post helps its called "update Its been a while"

That would be the ideal thing to do, but what about water, drainage, UVB, basking, crickets running around, and poop!!! :confused:
That would be the ideal thing to do, but what about water, drainage, UVB, basking, crickets running around, and poop!!! :confused:

UVB i have mount to the curtain pole and put a basking bulb in the corner for him he has all his lights and as for crickets we dont use them have dubias instead and we are lucky i guess cus most of the time he will just hand feed everything and you just have a feeding pot for all your bugs and your cham will learn were to go for food and the water drainage is a problem cus there is none just have to get the towels out until we get a mop but because i have a such a big space for him i dont dry it completely up because it helps keep up the humidity in the room in the day but i dry it all up for lights out and for poop just clean it up he mainly has good hard poo's so it does not stick to the floor tbh :)
That would be the ideal thing to do, but what about water, drainage, UVB, basking, crickets running around, and poop!!! :confused:

I was actually just reading postings to learn a little about free range for future reference. Your comment about poop made me laugh!! I'm currently raising just 1 Female Veiled, and she is so good about pooping. :) I would say 90% of the time she poops in the SAME SPOT & I love that about her!! But, she obviously can't "hold" it all the time until she gets to her spot... accidents will happen! :eek: However, I am anxious to see any responses on this issue for future reference... because that's the biggest thing I fear about free range. Let's be honest, their SH*T STINKS!!! LOL!!

I have 1 suggestion for cricket feeding.... In the past, I've used the very tall "deli cups" tied to the side of the habitat. I'm sure you could mount one anywhere & the crix can't get out of them. My Veiled Cham took to it immediately. I used it to avoid having crix bothering her at night or during the day. She would just go over, see them in the cup & flick her tongue out. It worked very well for me.... just a suggestion.
I was actually just reading postings to learn a little about free range for future reference. Your comment about poop made me laugh!! I'm currently raising just 1 Female Veiled, and she is so good about pooping. :) I would say 90% of the time she poops in the SAME SPOT & I love that about her!! But, she obviously can't "hold" it all the time until she gets to her spot... accidents will happen! :eek: However, I am anxious to see any responses on this issue for future reference... because that's the biggest thing I fear about free range. Let's be honest, their SH*T STINKS!!! LOL!!

I have 1 suggestion for cricket feeding.... In the past, I've used the very tall "deli cups" tied to the side of the habitat. I'm sure you could mount one anywhere & the crix can't get out of them. My Veiled Cham took to it immediately. I used it to avoid having crix bothering her at night or during the day. She would just go over, see them in the cup & flick her tongue out. It worked very well for me.... just a suggestion.

Yeah, I started using those tall clar plastic deli cups too. I think they are 64oz, but work great for feeding, and my guys have plenty of room to climb inside to get their prey.
Now, I have the "poop" issue!!
Seems like they hold it until they are on the free range and above something interesting to poop on!!!
Yeah, I started using those tall clar plastic deli cups too. I think they are 64oz, but work great for feeding, and my guys have plenty of room to climb inside to get their prey.
Now, I have the "poop" issue!!
Seems like they hold it until they are on the free range and above something interesting to poop on!!!

Haha that is funny about the poo cus zuggie used to do the say thing when he was caged he would wait until he was out then next thing you no he is sat there layin a land mine haha but who would like to poo in there home were they sleep eat and chill out lol
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