Gizmo is Ill


My Panther Chameleon has been closing his eyes during the day since yesterday and I am concerned. He has been lackluster in eating recently so that has worried me as well.

I took him to the vet today since he was closing his eyes again and just not as active as he usually is. The vet said he looks very healthy other than some small bulges under his eyes and the closing of his eyes during the day. He believes it is probably a vitamin deficiency and gave him an injection of Vitamin A/D and Calcium Gluconate and B Complex. He was also checked for parasites with a negative result (100% clean).

What I would like opinions on is should I do anything else at this time? He is resting now with his eyes closed and the vet stated to give him a week to respond.

My husbandry is good. I have a mistking, basking lamp, UVB source (not coiled) etc. I gutload the crickets and other insects and use calcium without d3 regularly and calcium with D3 twice monthly and multivitamin twice monthly. His urates look good with very little if any yellow/orange. Other than the small bulges under his eyes (usually indicative of Vit A issues) they are round and full and his joints are angular without multiple elbows.
Here is the picture. As you can see there is a small swollen area at the bottom of his eye.


I use Dr. Kendrick in Mansfield, TX. He has seen Chameleons in the past and is experienced with all types of reptiles. My hottest basking spot now is about 88 degrees as I raised the temp a little under his advice.

He seems to know a lot about chameleons and used to work for a zoo as the herp vet prior to going into private practice so he has worked with all types of lizards and snakes.
When was the last time he pooped? Does he scratch his eyes on branches? My suggestion is to hydrate hydrate hydrate. I have found that my male ambilobe will go through this occasionally and keeping him hydrated has helped the situation greatly. I have started taking him out in the front yard in the mornings and using warm water in a pump sprayer to rain on him until he starts licking. I spray him lightly for a couple of minutes then stop until I see him start moving a little bit and licking his lips. Then I will start the spray again. Once he starts it seems to be the best way to get him drinking a lot. I also use silkworms a couple times a week. Using the small tree in the front yard (supervised at all times of course) he also gets a nice dose of morning sun. I had a very similar vet visit although I did not get the vitamin injections.
I will try that tomorrow. He had a movement two days ago and it was small but normal. He is not eating as much as I would like him to either but hoping he will recover once the vitamins kick in.
When he has his hemipene amputated was he put on antibiotics?? How long did it hang out before it was amputated?
It prolapsed on two different occasions. The first time it retracted after two days the second time it was out for 4 days and would not retract. The vet attempted to re-insert it manually but could not so advised on amputation to avoid infection and other complications. He was given Baytril injections twice and I took him in for two follw-up visits.
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