Good foods for free ranging?


New Member
Hello I have a three year old male veiled chameleon that I currently free range. I have a 24x24x48 mesh screen cage that I took the door off of so he could make his way to my hibiscuses by the window on a series of flukers bendy branches. I currently freed him jumbo super worms out of my hand but this can be hard because sometimes he doesn't want to eat out of my hand. What are some good stable feeders for a free range set up? If any at all
Hello I have a three year old male veiled chameleon that I currently free range. I have a 24x24x48 mesh screen cage that I took the door off of so he could make his way to my hibiscuses by the window on a series of flukers bendy branches. I currently freed him jumbo super worms out of my hand but this can be hard because sometimes he doesn't want to eat out of my hand. What are some good stable feeders for a free range set up? If any at all

I use hornworms, silkworms, crickets, dubia roaches, and the occasional superworm and wax worm if any ever.

here is what i use to feed in the free ranges, it minimalizes escapes of feeder insects..I call it the "sunny-d-death-trap"..
I free range my cham and hand feed, cup feed, and free range feeders. I hand feed silks, hornworms, supers, and green banana roaches. I cup feed crickets, Turkistan roaches, and Dubia. And I free range silks, silk moths, butterworms, hornworms, and green banana roaches. The green banana roaches that don't get eaten dry up pretty quickly and die, so I don't worry about them getting around the house. But I have found them off the free range occasionally - it depends on your level of comfort with that. But my cham loves to hunt for the green banana roaches!

You could also make a "Sunny D Death Trap."

I use hornworms, silkworms, crickets, dubia roaches, and the occasional superworm and wax worm if any ever.

here is what i use to feed in the free ranges, it minimalizes escapes of feeder insects..I call it the "sunny-d-death-trap"..

Ha! You beat me to it! Love the Sunny D Death Trap!
thank you! lol..yeah i was bored one day and came up with that non sense, lol

all for the love of my chameleons :D

Perhaps you should be "bored" a bit more often. The Sunny D Death Trap is legendary! Plus, the name, well, it just rolls off the tongue!
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