Hatched but then died, why?


Established Member
So my little panther cham egg, laid 8 months ago, started to hatch this morning. Everything looked fine. Egg started beading with sweat, developed translucent patches, then split at the end. Several hours and a lots of wriggles later out popped a head. But that's it. Baby did not fully emerge and then stopped moving. That was 5 hours ago and theres no sign of life. Why? What is the success rate for hatching?
The egg was untouched, we did not interfere. Its been kept at 24oC since being laid 23/09/23. I'm really sad, and keen to know why as I have another clutch due to hatch in about 6 weeks.
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Leave it there for now. You want to make sure it’s really dead before you give up on it. Hatching is a lot of work. They have to absorb the remaining yolk and rest usually before they crawl out of the egg. Leave the container in the incubator with that lid on.
These might help…

I DO NOT RECOMMEND HELPING THEM OUT LIKE THIS GUY DID…I’m just posting it so you can hear him say about the one not looking food/moving in the beginning but bein ok in the end…
So my little panther cham egg, laid 8 months ago, started to hatch this morning. Everything looked fine. Egg started beading with sweat, developed translucent patches, then split at the end. Several hours and a lots of wriggles later out popped a head. But that's it. Baby did not fully emerge and then stopped moving. That was 5 hours ago and theres no sign of life. Why? What is the success rate for hatching?
The egg was untouched, we did not interfere. Its been kept at 24oC since being laid 23/09/23. I'm really sad, and keen to know why as I have another clutch due to hatch in about 6 weeks.
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This is common. It can take a while to get out.
Yay! I love happy endings! 🥰 Total cutie! Just do be careful as that might be his yolk still attached.
Yep, I'm leaving him alone. This pic was literally taking him out of the tub this morning and i was soooo careful! I've put some tiny fruit flies in for him and leaving him be. He/she seems to be healthy. Fingers crossed I can keep them that way 😊
I see some yolk left under its belly in the photo of it sitting on your hand. You have to watch that it doesn’t get stuck to something in the cage and rip the ”umbilical” cord off. Hopefully it will get absorbed quickly.
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