Hazzards of keeping big lizards.

I had to move one of my big males into another enclosure this morning. And he has grown a bit bigger (weight wise) since the last time I handled him. He has a killer grip, and nails built to shred skin, or really to cling to branches. I might have to wimp out and get a leather glove next time.

I know this is mild and tame next to the spider bite pics. :D
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Another gorgeous parsonni Steve.
But that what was it a scratch? I couldnt really see anything there. lol Your wimpin out in your old age bro...:D
Steve tell me he is a big boy. That arm looks sore. I would say a pair of leather gloves in in order, sooner rather than later.! The mellers I am getting from Julie better never get that big. He won't will he? So much for all the people who think you can sit and play with a parsons. But he sure is beautiful, and gentle, I know if he wanted to hurt you he would have done a better job.
You can always send him to me ;) He's a beautiful big stunning boy, love his face.

I have a tiny fischer compared to your guy and he has a ridiculously strong grip. He's climbed into my face and grabs onto my nose...it pinches so bad, brought tears to my eyes! Lol
I had to move one of my big males into another enclosure this morning. And he has grown a bit bigger (weight wise) since the last time I handled him. He has a killer grip, and nails built to shred skin, or really to cling to branches. I might have to wimp out and get a leather glove next time.

I know this is mild and tame next to the spider bite pics. :D

Poor baby! Oh to have YOUR problems! I've been gripped by a big male parsoni in the wild. Happy grins first, delicious pain later :p I'd never give that memory up.
Between my argus monitors and all the melleri, I have plenty of permanent scratch marks. If I don't woos out and use a glove, you better not either. They are proud battle wounds. ;) I certainly wouldn't mind it if I was "forced" to be scratched by a parsonii. :rolleyes: I keep telling you that I would take the brunt of these injuries in your stead, but no. :p

You've never met a cat before have you? lol

Very handsome boy you have there!
I feel bad for any females you put in with him!!! :eek:

I moved him one room over because he's been posturing and trying to get at a female next door. I found him back in the same cage this morning. He must really want to mate, so I left him. I may have a wounded arm update tomorrow. He pushed open the 3' wide by 7'tall door no problem. Guess :rolleyes: I won't forget to slip the lock on next time.
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My male yemen had my nose bleeding when he was like 4months old, he clamped his little hand on it and wouldn't leave go. lol My beardie has also had my lip bleeding he scratched it by mistake, shouldn't have them near my face i guess but i like given them kisses don't think they like soppy mummy kisses. lmao
My Veiled bit my little finger when he was about 10 mths old drew blood on both sides ouch. He is now14/15 mnths old. Maybe now he has my finger
off if he bit me now. !! But in all honesty he is not a typical veiled YET ;) Handled every day since a babe captive bred. Only bit me once since i have owned him . Had him 8 months now :D. Now nearly 16 inches nose to tail. He is a cutie ;):D
I have kept and been around all kinds of awesome animals in my life... Everything from dogs and cats, Horses, to large Boa constrictors, All kinds of Lizards. I even scuba dive in great white waters.
But to date the one animal that has caused me the most blood and pain in an encounter... Was the pissed off Iguana I retrieved off of a screaming 10 year old girls head, just to have it shred the underside of both my forearms to bits. I never expected a lizard to be the one who got me... But that sucker had me hurting for weeks.

This brings me to the quote of the day... Never underestimate the cold blooded.:cool:

I feel your pain Steve... Parsons have short needle sharp nails that are driven by a vice like grip. those 3 little red circle marks are the pain I speak of:)
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