He is dying.

I use that dripper in addition to a misting system. For the price, its worth it.

If you have no other source of water then you should buy it.
I can't afford a misting system. For now, I will just have to make due with the dripper
I agree he's healthy enough right now that he should drink on his own given the chance and you can just monitor his next stool/urate and check his turrets and skin to see if he's getting enough. The force feeding will help increase his fluids. How long has been without food? Has he been eating regularly at all? I know you said he ate six crickets but was that without help?
Depends on how far gone the animal is, if he's still eating on his own and I would say he's good for doing it this way. But if he has sever MBD I have tried this and animals have been unable to drink correctly until 2-4 months into rehab

Agreed Maverick was not doing to well this Am . He has been struggling a good part of the week . He’s had hydration issues likely long before op had him .
I agree he's healthy enough right now that he should drink on his own given the chance and you can just monitor his next stool/urate and check his turrets and skin to see if he's getting enough. The force feeding will help increase his fluids. How long has been without food? Has he been eating regularly at all? I know you said he ate six crickets but was that without help?
Yes. I have never had to help him eat, and his stool looks normal. I feed him5-6 crickets every other day, and tghe only problem was that he wasn't drinking
Ok if he's not having issues eating yet then just keep the ability to force feed on hand, thought he was worse off as far as food issues. Definitely go with a dripper system... Maybe a warm shower would so him some good
I agree he's healthy enough right now that he should drink on his own given the chance and you can just monitor his next stool/urate and check his turrets and skin to see if he's getting enough. The force feeding will help increase his fluids. How long has been without food? Has he been eating regularly at all? I know you said he ate six crickets but was that without help?

@Andee op had another thread . Let me see if I can link it . It has help form filled out .
Agreed Maverick was not doing to well this Am . He has been struggling a good part of the week . He’s had hydration issues likely long before op had him .
My mom brought the reptivite so I will give that to him and mix it in with water and fruits in 2 hours. But I don't know what to do tomorrow when I am at school because my parents can't afford any kind of mister, and I don't have a drop system. And my mom said she can't afford everything he needs so I told her about a reptile rescue near me and she told me that she won't let me give him away because that would be wasting her money. I don't know what else to do
You can make a dripper by poking a hole in a milkjug. Use a hot needle and poke a hole bottom side and in the top. Its not perfect, but will add a few hours of potential hydration.
Can you get a picture of his body sweetie? I wanna see if he has any serious illness and if not I may be able to help you keep him easier
You can make a dripper by poking a hole in a milkjug. Use a hot needle and poke a hole bottom side and in the top. Its not perfect, but will add a few hours of potential hydration.

Add this with some water and then some ice, keep the water just half covering the ice.
Can you get a picture of his body sweetie? I wanna see if he has any serious illness and if not I may be able to help you keep him easier

This was him just 20 minutes ago
That is an incredible turn-around from this morning! I just started reading this thread from the beginning and was very worried about what I would find by the end of it. Great job taking everyone's advice, OP! I hope he continues to improve

@Syreptyon I linked op other thread to this . It will give you the history of Maverick if you do not already know .
He looks healthy, a little dehydrated. Are his urates orange or white lately? I think just setting up a better watering situation will help massively . He doesn't have MBD from the looks of it. And people do pull off keeping chams without misters. I would mist him by hand 3 and on weekends 4-5 times a day and set a timer to make sure it's 2 minutes each. When he's a bit more used to you set a time to shower him for about 15 minutes once a week. And then set up a dripper system.
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My mom brought the reptivite so I will give that to him and mix it in with water and fruits in 2 hours. But I don't know what to do tomorrow when I am at school because my parents can't afford any kind of mister, and I don't have a drop system. And my mom said she can't afford everything he needs so I told her about a reptile rescue near me and she told me that she won't let me give him away because that would be wasting her money. I don't know what else to do
Does your mother understand that he may die if he doesnt get proper care? That would also be a waste of her money.
You are doing a great job of doing everything that you can for your guy, dont get me wrong at all. But your mother should have a more realistic idea of how things might end if he doesnt get the care that he needs. Especially with you being gone most of the day for school.
Does your mother understand that he may die if he doesnt get proper care? That would also be a waste of her money.
You are doing a great job of doing everything that you can for your guy, dont get me wrong at all. But your mother should have a more realistic idea of how things might end if he doesnt get the care that he needs. Especially with you being gone most of the day for school.
I talked to my dad told me that because Maverick is fine now, I should just get the dripper and not the silk worms and if the dripper doesn't work out for him then I can take it a step further and get the silk worms. I am going to try to make a dripper for now
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