HELP! Back legs not working, not eating....

Chameleon Info:

  • Your Chameleon - veiled, female, 2 years old. One year and 8 months of her life.
  • Handling - once a week.
  • Feeding - Crickets and mealworms (super worms on container). 5-6 crickets every other day occasional meal worms (once a week) I have a repashy gut load that turns into gel once mixed and heated that I provide for the crickets.
  • Supplements - Calcium (when I said often I meant every feeding) it is repashy. I use regular calcium and then a calcium plus once a week.
  • Watering - I have seen her drink. I have a mister that goes for half a minute every couple hours to water the pothos and keep the humidity up.
  • Fecal Description - No parasite testing. She has normal poops, brown and solid.
  • History - No issues until the last month.

Cage Info: The photos are accurate stick placement wise. The plants are now different but same type. I also use paper towel in the bottom now as the fake moss was too dirty for my taste.
  • Cage Type - Screen 2x2x4ft cage. I have a laying bin in the bottom thats about a foot and a half deep and a foot wide.
  • Lighting - She has a 75watt light to keep her at about 82 degrees. And UVB bulb i replace when the expiration is due. she gets light for 12 hours a day and lives next to a wall of windows.
  • Temperature - She has many branches to bask on, none closer that 7 inches to the fixture so she will not be burned. The coldest she gets is probably 78 degrees. I have a thermometer with a probe.
  • Humidity - She has nice humidity with a sprayer to keep it consistent until evening so she isnt sitting in stagnant moisture at night.
  • Plants - I have pothos plants in her enclosure in organic soil.
  • Placement - four feet tall. It is under a vent that is 8 feet above her cage but it isnt aimed directly at it. She sits next to four large windows so the sun is available rise to set.
  • Location - georgia.

Current Problem - She has not eaten much in weeks. Maybe a cricket once a week, if that. She does not poop (wont eat) and she has never laid eggs, she is a female as the toe is not present like it is for males. Her butt seems a bit swollen and if you reference this photo you can see. Her back legs no longer work and she cant seem to grab with them but hooks instead. Her tail is also rather unusable. She has no lumps and bumps, so I do not believe the issue to be one of egg binding. I do not know what to do.


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