Help!! I'm in WAAY over my head.

ok... Update on Dave: Changed everything around in his home. I moved him away from an airvent he was close to. I took the fake plants out and the water bowl thing out. I left a couple fake vines in there, but cut them to fit and hot glued them to the sides. I out 3 lives plants in there with him (i checked to make sure they were on the safe list, and I washed them off well first). I put a digital thermometer thing at the top where he basks at. I put one of the crappy thermometers at the bottom area (it is all I had right now). I changed his light to a Reptisun 5.0, I changed his heat lamp to a 60watt regular light bulb with a reflector hood. I added the "Little Dripper" to the top so it would drip into one of the larger plants. I gave Dave 12 small crickets dusted with calcium this morning. I just let them go in his cage? I hope that was right.. if it wasnt Im sure someone will let me know... The temp in the basking spot was 81 this morning. The temp at the bottom was 70. The humidity was 40 when I got up this morning but after spraying the plants and stuff down it was a little above 60. He isnt black anymore.. He was in one of his plants this morning when I turned his lights on. He moved up to the top after I sprayed (i tried to miss him because he doesnt like it) and was still there when I left. I saw him eat one cricket that climbed up the cage wall.. Also, Im pretty sure Dave is now Davina... Im posting pics of everything below... Im open to any and all suggestions... I know I still have work to do but I think I made a pretty good start.. I hope anyway.. let me know. Thanks.


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Add some more branches horizontally everywhere, and you should be golden, as long as you’re gutloading the crickets!
Will do... I didn't have anymore last night.. I will get some today. I only got some carrots to put in with the crickets last night. I am ordering some of the recommended cricket food today. I finished last night about 10pm. I know I am going to have to figure out some sort of drainage plan.. I just wasnt up for that last night. I hope I can figure something out this weekend. in the meantime, ive been changing out the absorbant cloth at the bottom every day and drying out the bottom of the cage.
ok... Update on Dave: Changed everything around in his home. I moved him away from an airvent he was close to. I took the fake plants out and the water bowl thing out. I left a couple fake vines in there, but cut them to fit and hot glued them to the sides. I out 3 lives plants in there with him (i checked to make sure they were on the safe list, and I washed them off well first). I put a digital thermometer thing at the top where he basks at. I put one of the crappy thermometers at the bottom area (it is all I had right now). I changed his light to a Reptisun 5.0, I changed his heat lamp to a 60watt regular light bulb with a reflector hood. I added the "Little Dripper" to the top so it would drip into one of the larger plants. I gave Dave 12 small crickets dusted with calcium this morning. I just let them go in his cage? I hope that was right.. if it wasnt Im sure someone will let me know... The temp in the basking spot was 81 this morning. The temp at the bottom was 70. The humidity was 40 when I got up this morning but after spraying the plants and stuff down it was a little above 60. He isnt black anymore.. He was in one of his plants this morning when I turned his lights on. He moved up to the top after I sprayed (i tried to miss him because he doesnt like it) and was still there when I left. I saw him eat one cricket that climbed up the cage wall.. Also, Im pretty sure Dave is now Davina... Im posting pics of everything below... Im open to any and all suggestions... I know I still have work to do but I think I made a pretty good start.. I hope anyway.. let me know. Thanks.
I like Dave for a girl....should just keep it, lol
Will do... I didn't have anymore last night.. I will get some today. I only got some carrots to put in with the crickets last night. I am ordering some of the recommended cricket food today. I finished last night about 10pm. I know I am going to have to figure out some sort of drainage plan.. I just wasnt up for that last night. I hope I can figure something out this weekend. in the meantime, ive been changing out the absorbant cloth at the bottom every day and drying out the bottom of the cage.
Once you’ve gotten everything, don’t forget to vary up his diet aside from crickets! I give super worms, butterworms, hornworms, silkworms, crickets, black soldier fly larvae, dubia roaches, red runner roaches, and am always looking for more! fullthrottlefeeders coastalsilkworms and local reptile shops/feeder insect businesses is where I get almost everything! Great job, that chameleon is lucky to have you!
Once you’ve gotten everything, don’t forget to vary up his diet aside from crickets! I give super worms, butterworms, hornworms, silkworms, crickets, black soldier fly larvae, dubia roaches, red runner roaches, and am always looking for more! fullthrottlefeeders coastalsilkworms and local reptile shops/feeder insect businesses is where I get almost everything! Great job, that chameleon is lucky to have you!
I'm still a new member, and fairly new to chameleons as well. However, I read nearly every thread that pops up in new, and I just want to send you a balloon bouquet! If only all new owners, even ones that were unwittingly brought into it, were as thorough and quick to adapt and take advice, as you... Kudos to you.
Good progress! But defanitly more horizontal branches and live plants.

Tip- if you need time to come up with a drainage system just put a lot of potted plants in the bottom of the viv, they will suck up a lot of the water, maybe even all of it.
Seriously good on you, you took all the advice to heart and that is very good start for your cham :). More horizontal branches like has been said but other than that, dang good job.
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