Help me diagnose this pleasee!!


New Member
:confused: my 2 year old veiled has developed a small almost bone like bump on his ribs. Im thinking it might just be from the calcium I've dusted my crickets with so i layed off. My guess is far from experienced I'm just hoping someone can help me. Ive noticed it about a week ago & he seems to be doing fine he is eating, drinking, pooping, & his irate is a healthy white. I touched it earlier today & let out a silent hiss. Any help is appreciated.
Do you have a picture? :) I'm not experienced either but I've seen pics of broken ribs and it kinda sounds like it could be that?
here it is notice the small bump right behind his front leg.


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Calcium growth. My first Cham had one. I didn't worry. If you are worried get it checked by a vet
His didn't. At first I thought it was a parasite but it never moved or ate him up. I think your using too much calcium
What is your supplement schedule? I'd be reluctant to suggest cutting back on calcium without a lot more information, it's so vital to their wellbeing.
This could be a broken rib, an abscess, a neoplasm... noone can tell you without examination. That's why I even would not change or do anything without showing this to a reptile vet. For example, if it's a callus due to a broken bone earlier, you would need to find the reason for the old fracture (maybe even too less calcium!) and not simply stop calcium supplementation.
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