help me give away my chams. free chams!


New Member
I have atleast 7 oustelets that I have rescued and would like to find good homes for . Im not looking for compensation just good homes. Any ideas of how I can find the best candidates? I love them but 13 chameleons is too many I am keeping a pair of oustelets and my panther and vieleds. But 7 oustelets need homes. They are huge and Im buying 1000 crickets a week! And my roach colony is shrinking. :D How should I get these guys into good homes?
I think you may have just given them away. We usually have a number of people who jump of offers like this. If I hear on anyone looking, I will send them you way. Good luck.
Just another thing I love about this forum.One person has too many chams, in less that 5 hours, 3 people are discussing taking 3 of the 6 chams. We are all just so supportive of each other.
Wow ok didn't know this was going to illicit such a response.. Ok here is some information about my chams: They are all wild caught in Florida, I got 2 positive fecals out of 4 so I have treated every one of my wild caught chams with Flagyl, and Panicur, my vet gave me meds for everyone. So although I can't guarantee that they are all parasite free they have all been treated, and are not showing any signs that they have parasites. They are all eating, drinking, and appear to be in great shape. I have had most of them for 3-9 months so they have already done some adapting to being in captivity. All of them except for one adult will eat from my hand. I am uncertain about the ages of all of them but I can give you a good guess on 5 of them because they were probably 3-4 months when I got them. The other two that I have are adult males. The five younger ones I think are males also but I am not sure. I started a chameleon identification thread and this species is very difficult especially at their current age (about 6-9 months. ) So the only thing I can guarantee is that I have two adult males. I am not asking a rehoming fee and if this project goes well I may acquire more and place them into homes in the future. The Oustelets were free for me so I can't ask for anything other than that they go to good homes. Oh and you pay for shipping. Unless you are in South Florida then we can work something out were you pick up the one you like. Like I said I have way too many chameleons now, I really love Panthers, which is one reason I am trying to make room because I am looking for some more :D . But I can’t get more panthers until I make some space. Hopefully my good deed will cause the Chameleon god’s to treat me well in the future. Below are some pictures. If you are interested please post on the thread and give me details, and I will contact you via private message. Just give me some time to respond.



I am very interested in giving you of them a good home. I will be honest, I have not cared for chameleons for a long time. I have recenltly lost my only baby chameleon about 2 days ago.

I was doing everything right in my opinon and other peoples opinion, it came to fact that it died because of being to young to be sold, could be alot of reasons.

Anyway, I am a good candiate to place a home for one of your chamaleons. I have a cage ready to be used and other stuff a good cham needs to live.

I have 3 Bearded Dragons that I have cared for 5 years.

I did have a small reptibreeze cage, upgraded to a large incase i find a new cham.

my setup is as follows:

Large ReptiBreeze Screened Cage
ReptiSun 5.0 UVB Floresent bulb.
35 Watt Basking Bulb.
Moonsoon Misting System
Dripper System (With drainage)
Vines and Plants in cage
Vitamins and Calcium d3/wd3

I am located in Georgia. I can pay for the shipping if needed. Please get in contact with me As soon as possible.
Im in!!! I would love a male and a female if you can swing it!!! PM me if you feel you can do it,I know others are ahead of me but I would like to breed them if I can so let me know.:D
We would be willing to take all of them as we breed panthers and would welcome them as a new breeding project. Am located in north jersey and willing to pay shipping. PM us and if you want more info about us to reassure you they are going to a good home will be happy to answer any questions and show you pictures.

i have a small home based chameleon business. we have 2 veileds. and 7 panthers. and are continuing to expand. we would love to buy a male and female from you. we live in vancouver, wa and will gladly pay the shipping costs for them.
Ill be sending you all private messages. Rizon thanks for the details I like to see that you can take the time and post extra details. It will take alot of my time to ship these guys. I would like to make only one or two trips to ship these guys out. So be patient with me. Please remember this species is hard to sex so I cant guarantee male or female.
I would love to get one of these if there are any more. I would like a male if possible...PM me please. Thank you so much. Please let me know the rehoming fee.
Ok I think I have homes for all of my chams. I sent most of you that replied private messages. Sorry I cant give everyone a cham we'll see how it goes with shipping and stuff if I get more or if some people change their minds I will post up on the thread.
I would love to pick up a pair. I live in Cali and don't normally see any other types besides veileds and panthers. I have 2 veileds in perfect health and know tons about other reptiles. I have a huge reptile room with no reptiles in them yet. Lol
Last year I had a major accident, and almost died. I'm fine now. But I have very little money and tons of time.
This would give me a great opportunity to work with different types of chami's.
Thanks for any consideration.
I am also in Florida and may be able to take one off your hand. Can you send me some more pictures and where abouts in florida you are. Thanks!
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