Help my Bearded Dragon!!!


New Member
for some reason my little female beardie wont eat and is really dark and skinny but shes kinda been like this for a while and seems to eat only when she has to. we got another bearded dragon 2 months after we got her and even though the new one was smaller it was much more voracious and ate as much as possible so it got most of the food in the cage, but we made sure the older one ate. later though it seemed as though the younger one was picking on the other one. we figured if we gave them seperate cages it would improve the situation but it hasnt. any ideas what it is and how i can improve it?
keep them seperate if there is a size differance. what are you feeding them and how old do you figure them to be? i have only one bearded dragon but have tried to do as much research for him as i could...
Keep them separate, that is something that we are always doing with our herd… Moving them around as some grow larger and some become more aggressive. Also it is winter time so she might be wanting to burmate a bit. Give her lots of water and a soak; make sure she is warm, offer some greens and some different food and I suspect she will snap out of it.
for some reason my little female beardie wont eat and is really dark and skinny but shes kinda been like this for a while and seems to eat only when she has to. we got another bearded dragon 2 months after we got her and even though the new one was smaller it was much more voracious and ate as much as possible so it got most of the food in the cage, but we made sure the older one ate. later though it seemed as though the younger one was picking on the other one. we figured if we gave them seperate cages it would improve the situation but it hasnt. any ideas what it is and how i can improve it?

How old is she? Also, what is the sex of the newer one? Also if she is younger than a year she isn't brumating. If you pick them up look at the bottom of her and if there is diamonds then she is stressed. It isn't a coloration, its stress. Make sure she is getting dusted crickets every other day and then greens. Make sure she is getting 20+ crickets if she is under a year (everyday). When she gets about 12 inches start her on superworms. Don't give her a lot of superworms because they have a lot of fat and they can make your beardie sick and they might regergatate. Also, if you want too, put some calcium on the greens so they get even more calcium. Hope this helps.
Ok, Maybe they are going into brumation. Lol, but it is interesting. I put my Beardies into bumation. They don't go into by themselves (my dragons.). Also, do they have the diamonds on their tummy?
Hmmm not good. How long has it been since she has eaten?? I would order some Parazap. They have it. You make it in water and it is sort of like a tea. Get a eye dropper and feed it too her. Make sure you follow the directions on it. Also, do this for a while but don't offer as much food as she normally gets. Maybe one or two crickets a day (if the other ones are gone) so you know she is taking intrest in food.
I just got her to eat, she ate several mealworms which she has always preferred over crickets. But one more thing will she ever get her coloring back because she has been black for a while
the reason being black she is stressed , when a beardies beard gets those black thin lines runing down to there belly that means they are stressed from something like another beardie picking on them or is way more dominant then the other , size doesnt matter just quickness with these fellas , same thing happen to my buddies beardie just separate them into diff enclosures like you have and like you have started to see she will get her appitite back and start eating normally again , so remember the RULE ONE TANK PER REPTILE except breeding but other then that they all get there own space but you did the right thing by spliting them but good luck with them
Not always true. Two or more females can be put together as long as there isn't a male with them.
I have two beardies, the best thing is to check your temps 100-105 in hot spot 80 in cool, night dropping no lower then 68. try offering other food mustard greens, and what not. some times it takes a while for one too adjust. if all are right then check stool for parasites (worms) if it has an owful smell something maybe be wrong with food. if all is right then they do have a burmation period. these are some things too check any other questions email me at [email protected]
have you dealt with the medical problem yet? i would not house the two together in the first place because of parasite transmission. beardies usually have low levels of parasites that do not pose a threat to their health until they become stressed out. once stressed the amounts can multiply rapidly causing sickness and even death. its good to have separated them, is it working out? is the little girl eating regularly? have you dewormed them?
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