help! pee and poop problems


New Member
so i won't fill out that 'help thing' because i think i know what's the problem.
1 week ago i bought him superworms and since them i only fed him that, so i read it's not that good. i usually feedm him dubias + some worms for a snack. but he was shedding so he wasn't eating as much as he used to, but today i actually seen him do this, and i'm really worried.
his pee was more wet than solid, his poop doesn't look god and consistent, but the biggest problem is the pee with the blood.

is the problem that i fed him only supers the last week or is it a intestinal problem like a parasite or something ? and how bad it is ? blood is always really bad :(
I am not a vet but I have had a panther that would eat nothing but superworms for years and his poop looked normal. I would highly recommend you take that poop, a fresh poop and your chameleon to a reptile that has chameleon experience it best.
so isn't any of those at least a little normal ?
not even the wet pee ? maybe when he's too hydrated ?
and the poop isn't good right ?
we are not vets, which is why many other posters are telling you to make an appointment with an experienced one. Blood in their stool is never a good thing. He most likely has a parasite or something wrong with his GI tract. He needs to see a vet asap.
I agree with everyone to take him to a vet ASAP .
I have also read that worms should only be a snack and be only given as a snack a few times a week
Feed. Crickets And. Make. Sure. You. Dust. Them. Good. With. D3
And. Greens. For. $10.50. You. Can. Get. 500.00. Crickets
Go. To this. Web site.
Kale. And. Collard greens.

You and I need to talk. could you be a bit careful what you are telling people to do? This is the second thread in just a few minutes where you have given harmful advice. I am sure you are not wanting to hurt other members chams, so make sure your advice is accurate.

You should not be dusting all the time with calcium + d3, that should be used about every other week. Only plain calcium should be used at every feeding.
i know about feeding and dusting. i won't listen to somebody who writes like that, anyway ...
i went with him to the vet today and he said he doesn't know what can be before he sees it, so if i see him do that again i will take a photo and go to him again.
he said is not an internal injury cuz the blood would come off like red brownish, like coffee color, don't know how to translate ...
could be an injury on the ... butt ... i see him scratching his butt and legs on the branches when he's shedding but i see no injury on the outside ...
the color and solidity of the poop was normal today and the pee white and solid (maybe 'he ate something wrong' yesterday, or maybe the excess of water made those watery), but the red dots in his pee worries me still.
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