HELP --- She won't dig!

Yea i wouldnt use any of that.

SHe probably wont dig much becuase she doesnt like it.

Try just plain dirt or sand.
I find with my fem. veiled her place of choice is often the pots of the plant in her cage even though there is a separate container for her to lay in. I guess because of the moisture level and the good structure from the roots. Keep in mind the texture you are trying to achieve(almost mud) must b able to support a tunnel no less than 20cm deep. As mentioned above it is very important to give her privacy but, When she starts digging it is hard to miss. She must feel safe/comfortable which is why i dont use a diff cage to lay in. I have a curtain around her normal cage with a little hole i can peek through. There is to much of a possibility of her ingesting the moss or coconut along with the issue of mold. GOOD LUCK
Thank you. Still no digging! I attached a picture of her boyfriend! :)


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Its not an exact science.
If she hasnt started by the 17 its not the end of the world.

its a rough estimate.

just relax and give her time.
Rarely is it an exact science. you have to leave her b, help her feel comfortable. She will b very active trying to find a spot or maybe just trying to get comfortable. The worst thing u could do is bugging her to much and stress her out.
Ha, I hope that works. She has had a lot of good advice. I just gave up. Check her profile and see what her "occupation" has become since last week :rolleyes: She must be a child who has difficulty understanding this. Is there nothing else I can do?

This is what is wrong with this site! All Sticky is trying to do is to find some answers. I read through every post of this forum, and I am VERY glad to see a very involved and caring Veiled owner here! Good job Sticky! Very good advice given on the forum, though being this rude (above) is not acceptable. (I know multiple forums can be a bit annoying - but be aware these people actually exist with their chameleons outside of this computer screen! ;) )

We as experienced chameleon owners should push other chameleon owners to be more like Sticky -- ask those questions, have concern, take their animals to the vet. How much did the x-ray end up costing you? I got one for my Jackson's before his surgery. I think it was $80, I can't remember.
Thank you! Yes, I am only young, but that doesn't mean I can't be mature and responsible with a pet reptile. I do have concerns, and I apologise for asking on 3 different forums (I was just rushing for answers!). The X-ray should've cost £40 but the vet only charged me for a consultation: £18.50. I added a picture of the X-ray previously (you probably already saw!). Thank you for your advice and support :) x
Some females eat until the lay, others stop eating a few days before they lay.

it varies.

my girl ate normally, dug a few holes,, ate a few bugs, basked and drank.. then dug her egg hole, slept in it, and laid her eggs over a span of 3 days.

it just varies.
Wow, that sounds rapid! I will keep you updated - let you know when she decides to dig! I'm hoping they're fertile. Cross your fingers!
im sorry but I would no way be using moss she didnt lay in the sand or soil because she wasnt ready yet, now when she is ready could not like the moss and coconut fiber and beconme egg bound, or ingest it and and have worse issues i would definatly get rid of it and put a 50/50 mixture of moist sand and soil that can hold a tunnel...also her seeing you watch her all the time could easily stress her out and make her refuse to lay, only check on her or let her see or hear you when you are offering food or water and thats it and keep her where its quiet also when your feeding her worms/crickets make sure there dusted with calcium, calcium is very very important for pregnant/laying females.
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