HELP --- She won't dig!

Yes, it's a waiting game. The cham will do her thing when she feels ready and safe. If you read the thread on creating a nest container, watched the great video on this site, and have done everything you can to create the appropriate conditions for her, then all you can do is wait.

Hopefully it will all go well--maybe your next post will be about eggs!

Hang in there! Sandy
SHes fine.

Not eating is a good sign, Besides, some adults have been known to go weeks without food.

Just leave her be.

You are stressing yourself out over this.. its not that bad!! Just breathe.

SOme females stop eating when they are getting ready to lay..
but its not like they dont eat today and lay tomorrow. it can be a few days of no eating before they begin to lay.

Just leave her be and relax.
I think I will buy a new tank next time she has eggs or rearrange her current one so the laying bin is a plant pot in her tank. It may be more comfy than a big dustbin, and she might feel more at home ;)
I will just be patient! I have a feeling they may be infertile, but her tummy is extremely big and it is around the right time for her to lay after being mated. Thank you for all the help and advice, and I will re post and keep you updated daily. Lets hope for some beautiful fertile eggs!
I did a quick test and put her near him (through the glass obviously, didn't want anyone to get hurt!) and he went puffy and light browny yellow....she went dark green with black spots. I took the hint and moved her away immediately!

Wait, you did this just a few days ago? I am curious why? :confused:

I can imagine that all this did was stress her beyond belief...:(

You have received great advice! Hope she lays soon.
I did it because if she accepted him, she wasn't ready to lay...
Anyway, she is due very, very soon!
I will post to the thread when she pops em out
My chameleon took 2 months to lay her eggs. I was just as much worried as you are, but as long as you leave her alone she should do fine. Make sure she does not see you and only check on her once a day. But as everyone here has already said, you NEED to leave her or she won't lay.
Wow 2 months! It's been about 1 month for mine....last night she slept with her back feet on the sand instead of being up her twig.....that's about it
Yea try and get everything set up before next time. I can't imagine how she felt this time with pictures been taking, her home change three or four times, and stuck next to a possibly threatening male. She sees all these things as dangers and doesn't feel as if it. is safe to lay. Sounds like things are getting better over there now and sounds like she is thinking about it, good luck!
Yeah, I know. Poor girl. But everything is looking up and age might be thinking about it! For all we know, she could be digging/laying as we speak! Hege well thats a nice thought :)
Thanks, same to you! Checked her while she is sleeping and her tummy looked all flattened out! She didn't wake up :)
My girl has been sleeping like that too! her tummy is really full. I started another post and included an x-ray pic. It really shows the volume of eggs in that belly.

Go to my post in the "Chameleon Husbandy" for a picture of the x-ray with eggs inside her if you want to see how much of her belly has eggs in it. I'm wondering how long I can wait before the vet operates on her to remove the eggs (don't want to of course).
Yeah, I know how you feel. Stickypads tummy has gone a bit AAHH with the weight of the eggs....poor baby girl! She must be due soon. Good to hear she's not the only one though. I will go to your forum now. :)
Im gonna try to help you, remember i told you my chameleon slill hasnt done anything!
Well yesterday she laid 21 eggs, i did a lot of research and i came up with this!
She was pregnant for 41 days, a long time, u can try my advise or not, im just gonna explain what i did, it worked , it took one day and there was my eggs,

1. I got a big trash bin, about, width : 40cm Length :57cm
2. I gon soil out of our garden and and filled the clean trash bin more than half full
3. I used a wooden lid bigger than the width of the trashbin with mesh in the middel for some air
4. I got a normal reading lamp , that you clip on next to you bed, i cliped it on the side of the trashbin not to close to the soil but just for some light and heat.
5. Then i got my webcam camera the one with the usb plug, i got some usb extension cords, and my laptop
5. I put everything in a spare room where nobody goes,
7. I put the camera underneath the wooden lid with mesh in the middel and extended the cord to outside the door,
8. While i was doing all this my girl was in her normal cage with some food and water,
9. That evening i took her and put her inside the bin with nothing that she could stand on. Only on the moist soil
10. I put the light on for a hour and then went to go put it off.
11. The next morning early i put the light on and left the room, no food nothing
12. I pluged my lapton into the usb cord outside the door and could see everything that was going on in there without bothering her.
13. I went to go check on the laptop every hour
14. She was digging for half of the day
Then i saw her turn around into the whole and she laid her eggs, i waited another hour, checked on her again and she 2as busy closing the whole, i let her finish closing up, it took a hour and a half for her to close the hole
15. When she was finished i went in gave her some water and put her back in her normal cage,

There was 21 beautiful eggs
I hope this helps, let me know
With the webcam you dont have to bother her at all, u can see what is going on without her knowing you are watching her.
The eggs was really really deep, i started to think there was no eggs, but i kept on digging and there i found them,
With the webcam i could see exactly where to look for the eggs.
Wow, thanks! But I don't have a webcam that extends off my laptop because its built there anything else I could do?
She is in a large binary the moment with a towel over the top over the are you saying I should take put the sticks and artificial plant, admire garden soil and she might decide its time? Thank you so much for the advice! What could I use instead of the webcam because mine is attached to the laptop....:)
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