Help with baby Vield??


New Member
I just checked on my Veiled who is at least 2 months old maybe more and she fell asleep with her head looking up with one foot in the air. Could she have something stuck in her throat and she's using gravity to help loosen it?? I've noticed her opening her mouth alot today and arching. Has anyone ever experienced this before?
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She's got a basking light that gets up to around 90 the rest of the cage is about 80. I did put her outside a couple of days ago where it was up to 98 but she wasn't in direct sun.
i think that your temps are a little hot. the cage should be drop to about 70 at night, and the day temps should be in the 80's
Have you seen her try and drink? They can often use water to 'wash' down something stuck in their throat.
When she opens her mouth do you notice a build up thick mucus? Bubbles? If you listen carefully can you hear her breathing, or little popping sounds? Could also be a possible URI (upper respiratory infection). What is her humidity level and how do you hydrate her?
i think that your temps are a little hot. the cage should be drop to about 70 at night, and the day temps should be in the 80's

I agree-2 month old chameleons are very easy to dehydrate and in my experience the whole cranking the mouth open thing is never a good sign.

What are you housing her in, what is her lighting like, and how are you giving water?
She's in a large screened cage with two plants. I mist her abouy 3X a day and there's a drip going all day.
This morning she doesn't seem any better she's under her basking light moving her body and opening her moth like she's trying to get something out. Would it be a good idea for me to manually open her mouth to see if I can see anything? I know this would stress her out big time but it may be worth it right?
Also her temps are high because I live in Northern Cali. this week it will be 108 I keep the air conditioner on in the day but not at night. Do you think I should to keep night temp below 80?
Don't try opening her mouth yourself, if you think there's a blockage, go to a vet or something! What plants have you got in the enclosure? Some can cause irritation to skin, so if she swalowed it, it could cause a problem. It's just an idea!
Those temps are too hot. She is probably opening her mouth like that to try and cool off. If she really is two months old 90 in the basking spot is extraordinarily hot. You probably shouldn't go and pry her mouth open until you're sure that it isn't her temperatures that are causing her discomfort. She'll need to see a vet if she does indeed have a blockage, you shouldn't do that kind of thing yourself.
You should probably drop her basking spot temp at least five degrees and maybe even ten. She should have spots in her cage that are under 80 too, she is too young for such hot temperatures.
There's a big Ficus. But I haven't seen her interested in eating it she did eat a cricket the other day that may have been too big for her.
There is plenty of space for her to get away from the light but she insists on being as close as she can get.
Babies are stupid! They will cook themselves if you let them. Keep the temp in the low 80's by raising the bulb if you need to. Is she opening and closing her mouth right away or is she keeping it open?
Ok, try lowering the temp, by moving the bulb further away (they will and do burn themselves!). Keep the water flowing so she has the option to drink and get her to the vets ASAP! It could be all manner of things! Is her gular creat always extended?
Can you take a picture of her? How do her eyes look? Could she be threatening you when you are looking in on her or is she doing it while she thinks no one is around?
She's definetly doing it when she thinks I'm not around. I will attempt to get a pic. For now I've moved her light and misting every hour. THANK YOU for everyones help!!!
Then you sohuld definitely get her checked out ASAP! A photo would definitely help! Is her gular crest always extended?
you really need to lower your temps, for a baby dont have anything over 85. how long do you mist for? misting once an hour may be a little over kill, try misting 4 times a day for 3 minutes each time.
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